Small pockets of matter and stuff are found in Never. Let's just call them SPoMaS for short. SPoMaS can range from being only 19 cm wide all the way to 10100 LY wide. They can be burning hot. The average temperature is 88910 degrees Celsius. The shape of these pockets of matter can be spherical, elliptical, or even triangular.
These pockets usually contain 24% dark matter, 70% Glitchonicite, and 6% regular matter. They have a purplish glow. That might be from the excess Chaotic Wire found inside the Glitchonicite. These pockets can also randomly disappear when no one is looking or grow bigger. That led some people to believe that the SPoMaS are sentient, but the random behavior is probably just due to the Glitchonicite found inside the SPoMaS.