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A star system is contained by a spiral arm or a non-spiral galaxy. It contains several planetary systems and stars.

⧉ The Official Hierarchy ⧉
֍ Class 2 ֍
(category) - Also known as Miner's Class.


Omnipyramid - The Omni Chain


(All subsequent sections are part of Miner's Chain.)
Cetaverse - Infinity - Mandelbrotverse - Mega-box - Ultra-box - The Great Triangle - The Great Square - The Super Space - The Absolute Space - The Near Everything - Bnathverse - The Most of Everything - The Absolute Everything


THE atom - The Infinite Everything - Knathsuperverse - Kolmnasuperverse - Altahsuperverse - Ujkasuperverse - Bhatsuperverse - Ghuipsuperverse - Terminal Icosahedron


Omnistructure 1 - THE galaxy - Kappahyperverse - Upsilonhyperverse - Gammahyperverse - Icosahyperverse - Arkahyperverse - Ghayahyperverse - Terminal Rhombicuboctahedron


Iotaultraverse - Arkthaultraverse - Hakarultraverse - The Ultra Black - Nullainterparesultraverse - Perpendicularultraverse - Actual Realm - THE black circle


Øpałatyœñ - Ťāzræŵo - Taparék - THE Qwerty - Tyažonteraverse - Pas̀kateraverse - Zatàteraverse - Ẍakkateraverse - Ÿanateraverse - Ŵasàteraverse - Terminal Thing


THE Floating Ƕ - Nìllaxettaverse - Dimanttxettaverse - Merkuriumxettaverse - Orbitalexettaverse - Gradientxettaverse - Jadrkexettaverse - Terminal Truncated Rhombicuboctahedron


THE red square - Asimagoymaverse - Nalkgoymaverse - Klaçagoymaverse - Bsëteagoymaverse - Rolmeegoymaverse - Pœliuxgoymaverse


Haggafëllxverse - Ytayafëllxverse - Pakafëllxverse


Å - The Last Verse - The Last Plane - The Last Void

Multiversal Planet - Big chungus - The Inaccessible Cardinal
⍟ Class 5 ⍟
(category) - Also known as Keltaibague Class.

The Ring Hierarchy

Tier One
Time and reality - Time, Reality, and... The Other Thing, MORE, Bandiverse
Rings I
Blue Ring - Red Ring - Green Ring - Yellow Ring - The Double Existence - Orange Ring - Purple Ring - Pink Ring - Brown Ring - Cyan Ring - White Ring - Grey Ring
Rings II
Black Ring - Gamma Ring - X-Ring - Ultraviolet Ring - Light Ring - Infrared Ring - Microwave Ring - Radio Ring - Final Ring - The Triple Existence
Tier Four
The Quadruple Existence - Cceh - Kceh - The Big - Bignoseverse - DDonut - ??? - The Great Tesseractagonverse - Lemekea Thetastructure

YellowMarkers1's Chain

The Wall of the Black Void - The Green Void - Greennoseverse - Bluenoseverse - Purplenoseverse - Yellownoseverse - Orangenoseverse
Tier Two
In Silico - Silico - The Orb - Uncannyverse - Dêaśaverse - Bauverse - 003
Tier Three
Absobox - Almost-a-box - Verybox - - Boxbox - Boxboxplex - The Charm

Home Items I

The Bowl - The Cabinet

Oofandfoo's Intervention

The Verse - Ultima Existence - Line Hierarchy

Home Items II

The Fubinet - The Chabinet


Quadtiroulsidonverse - Quintiroulsidonverse - Cuaniiyouoityuionverse

Randomuser66's Pair

Cyoob - Tessoract

Finals III

Noinuoloocverse - The Red Barrier - Obice Novissimo
♁ Class 6 ♁
(category) - Also known as Terran Class.

The Varience

The Blue Barrier - The Bigger - Biggernoseverse - In Observatorio - The Green Barrier - THE ULTIMATE BARRIER. - 3RR0RV3RS3


Macrobox - Macrobottle - Macroperaomniversal Complex - Macrotime and Macroreality

Organisms I

Maior Ultima Obice - The buttfrickverse

Boxes I

Ultima Box - Alphabox - Betabox - Gammabox - Deltabox - Epsilonbox

Knitting Chain

The Thread - The Spool


InSaNiTyVeRsE - Dodecahedron of CHAIR - Terminal Rhombicosidodecahedron

Boxes II

The True Box - Terminal Box


Pure "Void" - Loweffortverse - Transillud Omnistructure

Probability Containers

Hexaprobability Orbital - Theta-Fabric


The Magma Realm - Magma Central

Brick Chain

The Brick - The Wall

Organisms II

Ducks - Quod Infinita


V - Trueverse

The Drum

The Drum

ⶍ The Pre-Hierarchy ⶍ - ⧉ The Official Hierarchy ⧉ - ⍍ The Extended Hierarchy ⍍ - ⍬ The Post-Hierarchy ⍬ - ✤ The Extended Post-Hierarchy ✤

Physical Realms (Realmic Stripes) - Archrealities (Protoparticles, Inanes)

The Novachain

Nothing - The Hierarchy Hierarchy - Reality - The Structure of Everything
