A Superstone is something that make up the barrier of S o m e t h I n g. Some think that the circles in S o m e t h I n g are the Superstones. They are wrong and don’t listen to them. All Superstones are unique. This is Superstone B+CSCR+1. Just a ordinary Superstone. There are about Utter Oblivion Superstones that make up S o m e t h I n g’s barrier. That number is surprisingly low, it’s even lower than infinity.
A Superstone can be 10 colors. Protaclum, Trigonum, Infrared, Blue, Green, Mijhulim, Hujlkom, mornin, i, and e̸Շ. Your probably only familiar with three of those colors. Oh, and don’t listen to the people that think theese stones are Ch04s dimensions.