The true End-All-Be-All, this is the last, and the first, the least, and the most, it contains the box and the box contains it, it's uncontainable and also anti-uncontainable, it is the end, but also the beggining, it deserves to be in the End-All-Be-All category, but also doesn't deserve to be, because its not a End-All-Be-All, its THE END-ALL-BE-ALL, nothing is more everything then the 'nothingness' of the true nothing, that is everything, not everything, nothing, not nothing, its unexplainable and also explainable, it is all superpositions, all of everything, and nothing of all, there is no picture for this, and there is a picture for this, its not original and it's original at the same time, it is nothing, and it is everything, nothing it is, is everything it's not, it's not real, and its real, maybe? Yes, and No, but not Maybe, its not the average of all and nothing, its the most of all, and the least of nothing, not anything in the middle, it goes forever, its a hole, into not a hole, its not hole, into a hole, its all, its none, you cant contain it, you can contain it, it is the true god and the exact opposite, it is not the average though, its not the middle, its both of the extremes.