T H I N G S. is a collection of thingys that is really big and indescribable entirely. It’s is schemafinity light years large. Schemafinity is even larger than transfinity. Humans don’t understand it’s dimensional number because its so large. They thing is similar to the 3.1415956736353737366373th dimension, because they are both Ch04s types of dimensions. It’s actually a verse. I know what makes no sense but its logic deal with it.
The thingys[]
The thingys are the dark inside of the huge clock. This is only the first layer of three.
the barrier[]
the barrier is the light blue part surrounding the thingys. It is made out of the 726273822222225th element, zeeium.
the gears.[]
the gears is just not yet. it is unknown what they are made of.