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The Omega Black Hole contains all Hyperspace Collections. All hyperspace collections are contained within the Omega Singularity of this black hole, which is 1/Aleph Null the size of the omega black hole. The omega black hole is widely known for destroying everything in its path, including Omega Stars, (the biggest stars ever known), Omegahumans, And even other Omega Black Holes. Epsilon Null amount of collections of hyperspaces are contained in the omega singularity and are protected by the omega black holes, and are immune to it's destruction.


The omega black hole is sentient, and is the only example of a type of black hole to be even remotely sentient. The Omega Black Hole has no remorse or emotion for any other being whatsoever. However, the omega black hole has been slain before, by two things; The Omega-Light Beam, an ultra-powerful blinding plasma beam, and Omega Radiation, the most potent and deadly type of radiation ever. However, even with those weapons, the omega black hole took multiple OA to be defeated. The omega black hole is the living embodiment of the embodiment of pure chaos and destruction. However, this does not mean it's the biggest.


Our Omega Black Hole has been sent to a huge Unexistence in one of the Omega Voids, which cannot be escaped from. It was placed here in order to stop the Omega Black Hole's destructive rampage, and also torture it through starvation and isolation as punishment.
