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why its have big kardashev scale[]

some creature has put unreal protection. Now it is difficult to use energy. This is why such a Kardashev scale.



Size: 4 Omnipyramids

The Omnimarble is an infinite marble that contains the Omnipyramid on its top, as well as The Box and many other Omnipyramids and boxes.

It is made out of the 2401st element (Hemrium), which makes it immensely heavy, causing it to not be able to roll over.

The Omnipyramid is gravitationally pulled down to the Omnimarble, making it also stuck in position.

This property is shared by all other bodies in this chain, except for the Omnipyramid, which relies on The Box's weight, balance and inability to come into contact with 0 - 70 dimensional bodies.

Dimensionality: +1

Kardashev scale:Ф³



Size: 24 Omnipyramids

The Omnipi is a giant symbol of the greek letter (pi).

Its flat top is used to hold the Omnimarble steady and stable.

It is made out of 3 elements: Emmenium (651st), Pramium (782nd) and Klantannium (1444th).

The top is made out of Emmenium, which has an extremely strong gravitational force, so much so, that it would destroy any nearing object. This is remedied by a 1 atom coating of Pramium, which has the opposite effect, but much stronger, thus, the 1 atom layer subdues the Emmenium into regulable conditions.

The Klantannium is in the legs, which causes the whole structure to freeze in place, due to the property of lack of mobility of each Klantannium atom adding up exponentially.

dimensionality: 3.14

Kardashev scale: Γ⁰


Fishie f2ish

Size: 1320096 Omnipyramids

The Omnifish is an extremely big fish, more precisely a salmon made out of Chernobyllium (element 2 147 483 648). It is alive, and swims through the voids of the Omniwater. Its cells are made out of Omnipis, and if the fish measured 100cm, 1 Omnipi would be μm.

dimensionality: infinity

Karsashev scale: Μ (mahlo orfinal)



Size: 17161248 Omnipyramids

The Omninfinity is a leminscate object that has the Omnifish laying on one of its bumps.

It is made out of Pragomun (4011th element), which has a calm texture, which is a perfect resting spot for the Omnifish.

The Omnifish, unlike underwater fish, doesn't need water to live.

The Omnifish is a highly respected being, due to its wisdom, knowledge, age and selflessness.

dimensionality: infinity

kardashev scale: Κ (weakly compact ordinal)



Size: 343224960 Omnipyramids

The Omniyam is an infinite yam that holds the Omninfinity close to its stem.

It is made out of organic material, similiar to a normal yam.

The yam is edible, and many civilizations use the Omniyam to import edible materials into their planets.

Multiple civilizations also exist on the Omniyam, using their ground as a food source.

This doesn't impact the Omniyam whatsoever, due to the Omniyam's size.

dimensionality infinity + infinity

kardashev scale: Ω



Size: 1 billion Omnipyramids

The Omnitree is a tree that holds the Omniyam on one of its stems, which is located near the center.

There is a large area around the Omniyam, approximately 3 times larger than the Omniyam, that is empty, giving way for incoming beings to enter and exit.

The Omnitree acts also as a sort of barrier, a shield for the chain, ending in The Box.

Any attempted instances of attack on The Box have failed, as the Omnitree's leaves (Omnileaves) are operated by the microbes living and making up them, thus, being able to fight off any predators easily with joint group effort.

(image is of a black and white interpretation)

dimensionality: infinity * infinity

lardashev scale: Ω+Ω



Size: 1 trillion Omnipyramids

The Omniceberg is an infinite iceberg that has the Omnitree growing out of its peak and the Omnimountain sticking out of its side.

The iceberg is made out of Gremimium (992nd element), which acts like an insulator, and can keeps its cold temperature indefinitely.

The Omniceberg is only 1 kelvin, it has held this temperature since its creation.

At the bottom of the Omniceberg, temperatures reach 3 kelvin. The center is the coldest, at 0.02 kelvin.

dimensionality: ω

Kardashev scale: Ω*Ω


Omniwater is a verse in which its boundaries are maleable, that means, they can bend, but it's volume is always the same. In other words, it's a liquid verse. It is made out of H2OTr, a liquid that contains Tr, the 371th element (Transiterium). The Omnifishes can breathe it.

Size: 1 sextilion Omnipyramids

dimensionality: w+1

kardashev scale: Absolute J


A mountain that is beyond space-time, this structure is a basic pyramid. It supports the foundations of all things lower than Omniwater and betrays the ones above it. However, nothing can go to it. Not even the spaceship we built to withstand space-time corruption. But, there is one way to overcome this, and that is going to Omnifish.

Only then you can go higher into the voids....

Size: septilion Omnipyramids


Karsashev scale: absolute omega ray function

⧉ The Official Hierarchy ⧉
֍ Class 2 ֍
(category) - Also known as Miner's Class.


Omnipyramid - The Omni Chain


(All subsequent sections are part of Miner's Chain.)
Cetaverse - Infinity - Mandelbrotverse - Mega-box - Ultra-box - The Great Triangle - The Great Square - The Super Space - The Absolute Space - The Near Everything - Bnathverse - The Most of Everything - The Absolute Everything


THE atom - The Infinite Everything - Knathsuperverse - Kolmnasuperverse - Altahsuperverse - Ujkasuperverse - Bhatsuperverse - Ghuipsuperverse - Terminal Icosahedron


Omnistructure 1 - THE galaxy - Kappahyperverse - Upsilonhyperverse - Gammahyperverse - Icosahyperverse - Arkahyperverse - Ghayahyperverse - Terminal Rhombicuboctahedron


Iotaultraverse - Arkthaultraverse - Hakarultraverse - The Ultra Black - Nullainterparesultraverse - Perpendicularultraverse - Actual Realm - THE black circle


Øpałatyœñ - Ťāzræŵo - Taparék - THE Qwerty - Tyažonteraverse - Pas̀kateraverse - Zatàteraverse - Ẍakkateraverse - Ÿanateraverse - Ŵasàteraverse - Terminal Thing


THE Floating Ƕ - Nìllaxettaverse - Dimanttxettaverse - Merkuriumxettaverse - Orbitalexettaverse - Gradientxettaverse - Jadrkexettaverse - Terminal Truncated Rhombicuboctahedron


THE red square - Asimagoymaverse - Nalkgoymaverse - Klaçagoymaverse - Bsëteagoymaverse - Rolmeegoymaverse - Pœliuxgoymaverse


Haggafëllxverse - Ytayafëllxverse - Pakafëllxverse


Å - The Last Verse - The Last Plane - The Last Void
⍟ Class 5 ⍟
(category) - Also known as Keltaibague Class.

The Ring Hierarchy

Tier One
Time and reality - Time, Reality, and... The Other Thing, MORE, Bandiverse
Rings I
Blue Ring - Red Ring - Green Ring - Yellow Ring - The Double Existence - Orange Ring - Purple Ring - Pink Ring - Brown Ring - Cyan Ring - White Ring - Grey Ring
Rings II
Black Ring - Gamma Ring - X-Ring - Ultraviolet Ring - Light Ring - Infrared Ring - Microwave Ring - Radio Ring - Final Ring - The Triple Existence
Tier Four
The Quadruple Existence - Cceh - Kceh - The Big - Bignoseverse - DDonut - ??? - The Great Tesseractagonverse - Lemekea Thetastructure

YellowMarkers1's Chain

The Wall of the Black Void - The Green Void - Greennoseverse - Bluenoseverse - Purplenoseverse - Yellownoseverse - Orangenoseverse
Tier Two
In Silico - Silico - The Orb - Uncannyverse - Dêaśaverse - Bauverse - 003
Tier Three
Absobox - Almost-a-box - Verybox - - Boxbox - Boxboxplex - The Charm

Home Items I

The Bowl - The Cabinet

Oofandfoo's Intervention

The Verse - Ultima Existence - Line Hierarchy

Home Items II

The Fubinet - The Chabinet


Quadtiroulsidonverse - Quintiroulsidonverse - Cuaniiyouoityuionverse

Randomuser66's Pair

Cyoob - Tessoract

Finals III

Noinuoloocverse - The Red Barrier - Obice Novissimo
♁ Class 6 ♁
(category) - Also known as Terran Class.

The Varience

The Blue Barrier - The Bigger - Biggernoseverse - In Observatorio - The Green Barrier - THE ULTIMATE BARRIER. - 3RR0RV3RS3


Macrobox - Macrobottle - Macroperaomniversal Complex - Macrotime and Macroreality

Organisms I

Maior Ultima Obice - The buttfrickverse

Boxes I

Ultima Box - Alphabox - Betabox - Gammabox - Deltabox - Epsilonbox

Knitting Chain

The Thread - The Spool


InSaNiTyVeRsE - Dodecahedron of CHAIR - Terminal Rhombicosidodecahedron

Boxes II

The True Box - Terminal Box


Pure "Void" - Loweffortverse - Transillud Omnistructure

Probability Containers

Hexaprobability Orbital - Theta-Fabric


The Magma Realm - Magma Central

Brick Chain

The Brick - The Wall

Organisms II

Ducks - Quod Infinita


V - Trueverse

The Drum

The Drum

ⶍ The Pre-Hierarchy ⶍ - ⧉ The Official Hierarchy ⧉ - ⍍ The Extended Hierarchy ⍍ - ⍬ The Post-Hierarchy ⍬ - ✤ The Extended Post-Hierarchy ✤

Physical Realms (Realmic Stripes) - Archrealities (Protoparticles, Inanes)

The Novachain

Nothing - The Hierarchy Hierarchy - Reality - The Structure of Everything
