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A Xenoverse is the second to last official Archverse, residing before the Hyperverse.

They contain Metaverses which have slight variations in their logical systems. Metaverses can appear and disappear from existence anytime, and have their own regions throughout a Xenoverse. Xenoverse is the primitive network of matter information, which can be primarily accessible by Omni-Web.

As a collection of Metaverses, Xenoverses have distinct laws / logics to all Metaverses for matter sustainability. Waves are seemed outside of Metaverses, but dangerous as it possesses entities with information overlapping.

Also, some Xenoverses directly contain Universes


The structure of Xenoverse is composed of foldable spirals of Metaverses (known as Metaverse clusters), arranged in size. The clusters are also foldable, and can have a mix of existence ranks of existence and non-existence with their own regions. Smaller Metaverses, however, can't fluidly switch between existence ranks. Matter information seems to not exist in a Xenoverse.

Due to high dimensionality, spirals are seemed overlapping from each other, allowing for easy transportation. At the center, you could find the smallest Metaverses, and more reliable. Even on the surface, there are a collection of spirals.

All Metaverses in Xenoverses seem to be parallel of distinct laws, creating similar regions throughout Metaverses and creating the identical folds during the formation.

Some metaverse clusters are cluttered in a irregular pentagonal / dodecahedral tiling, usually found midway in a Xenoverse, for size sustainability.

Life cycle[]


Xenoverse formation

Depicted Xenoverse formation

When a Hyperverse forms, its interior is rife with chaos, and as such, may produce chaos particles. These chaos particles move around at relatively slow speeds. When two particles collide, one will simply invert its direction, but the other will be disproportionately launched in the opposite direction it came from.

Inevitably, this speeding particle will impact the surface of the Hyperverse, fast enough to break out, and cause a 6 dimensional existence-0 cross section will begin to form and travel in the opposite direction, always expanding as to rest on the surface of the Hyperverse. This is called a Proto-Xenoverse, and after certain large size, it will disconnect from the Hyperverse, turning into an existence-1 Xenoverse and capturing some of the chaos for itself to be used for Metaverses.

Also Metastrings exist here, a meta counterpart of strings from string theory, except for that they are artificial


Xenoverses are initially "dualisted", which uses information from 2 Metaverses in a 2 Array Metaverse. As the time goes on, Xenoverses seem to have web-like information gathered from the Omni-Web. It has been sealed by then, due to reliable methods of closing the gateways by a civilization.


These arrays are xenoverse containing a N amount of other xenoverses or megaverses, bongus decided to play with the verses for bongumom to be happy, now wait, this is the bongus equivelant of writing

2 array xenoverse

this contains 2 xenoverses

3 array xenoverse

this contain 3 xenoverses

double 2 array xenoverse

this contains 2 2 array xenoverses

10 array xenoverse

contains 100 xenoverses

3D array xenoverse

contains 125 100 array xenoverses containing 10,000 3 array xenoverses containing 12 xenoverses

Misc. information[]

Xenoverses are very useful for keeping fragile things from breaking, used in the Frickckckckcckkckkcckckckckckverse and the Glassverse.

See Also[]

⧉ The Official Hierarchy ⧉
֍ Class 2 ֍
(category) - Also known as Miner's Class.


Omnipyramid - The Omni Chain


(All subsequent sections are part of Miner's Chain.)
Cetaverse - Infinity - Mandelbrotverse - Mega-box - Ultra-box - The Great Triangle - The Great Square - The Super Space - The Absolute Space - The Near Everything - Bnathverse - The Most of Everything - The Absolute Everything


THE atom - The Infinite Everything - Knathsuperverse - Kolmnasuperverse - Altahsuperverse - Ujkasuperverse - Bhatsuperverse - Ghuipsuperverse - Terminal Icosahedron


Omnistructure 1 - THE galaxy - Kappahyperverse - Upsilonhyperverse - Gammahyperverse - Icosahyperverse - Arkahyperverse - Ghayahyperverse - Terminal Rhombicuboctahedron


Iotaultraverse - Arkthaultraverse - Hakarultraverse - The Ultra Black - Nullainterparesultraverse - Perpendicularultraverse - Actual Realm - THE black circle


Øpałatyœñ - Ťāzræŵo - Taparék - THE Qwerty - Tyažonteraverse - Pas̀kateraverse - Zatàteraverse - Ẍakkateraverse - Ÿanateraverse - Ŵasàteraverse - Terminal Thing


THE Floating Ƕ - Nìllaxettaverse - Dimanttxettaverse - Merkuriumxettaverse - Orbitalexettaverse - Gradientxettaverse - Jadrkexettaverse - Terminal Truncated Rhombicuboctahedron


THE red square - Asimagoymaverse - Nalkgoymaverse - Klaçagoymaverse - Bsëteagoymaverse - Rolmeegoymaverse - Pœliuxgoymaverse


Haggafëllxverse - Ytayafëllxverse - Pakafëllxverse


Å - The Last Verse - The Last Plane - The Last Void
⍟ Class 5 ⍟
(category) - Also known as Keltaibague Class.

The Ring Hierarchy

Tier One
Time and reality - Time, Reality, and... The Other Thing, MORE, Bandiverse
Rings I
Blue Ring - Red Ring - Green Ring - Yellow Ring - The Double Existence - Orange Ring - Purple Ring - Pink Ring - Brown Ring - Cyan Ring - White Ring - Grey Ring
Rings II
Black Ring - Gamma Ring - X-Ring - Ultraviolet Ring - Light Ring - Infrared Ring - Microwave Ring - Radio Ring - Final Ring - The Triple Existence
Tier Four
The Quadruple Existence - Cceh - Kceh - The Big - Bignoseverse - DDonut - ??? - The Great Tesseractagonverse - Lemekea Thetastructure

YellowMarkers1's Chain

The Wall of the Black Void - The Green Void - Greennoseverse - Bluenoseverse - Purplenoseverse - Yellownoseverse - Orangenoseverse
Tier Two
In Silico - Silico - The Orb - Uncannyverse - Dêaśaverse - Bauverse - 003
Tier Three
Absobox - Almost-a-box - Verybox - - Boxbox - Boxboxplex - The Charm

Home Items I

The Bowl - The Cabinet

Oofandfoo's Intervention

The Verse - Ultima Existence - Line Hierarchy

Home Items II

The Fubinet - The Chabinet


Quadtiroulsidonverse - Quintiroulsidonverse - Cuaniiyouoityuionverse

Randomuser66's Pair

Cyoob - Tessoract

Finals III

Noinuoloocverse - The Red Barrier - Obice Novissimo
♁ Class 6 ♁
(category) - Also known as Terran Class.

The Varience

The Blue Barrier - The Bigger - Biggernoseverse - In Observatorio - The Green Barrier - THE ULTIMATE BARRIER. - 3RR0RV3RS3


Macrobox - Macrobottle - Macroperaomniversal Complex - Macrotime and Macroreality

Organisms I

Maior Ultima Obice - The buttfrickverse

Boxes I

Ultima Box - Alphabox - Betabox - Gammabox - Deltabox - Epsilonbox

Knitting Chain

The Thread - The Spool


InSaNiTyVeRsE - Dodecahedron of CHAIR - Terminal Rhombicosidodecahedron

Boxes II

The True Box - Terminal Box


Pure "Void" - Loweffortverse - Transillud Omnistructure

Probability Containers

Hexaprobability Orbital - Theta-Fabric


The Magma Realm - Magma Central

Brick Chain

The Brick - The Wall

Organisms II

Ducks - Quod Infinita


V - Trueverse

The Drum

The Drum

ⶍ The Pre-Hierarchy ⶍ - ⧉ The Official Hierarchy ⧉ - ⍍ The Extended Hierarchy ⍍ - ⍬ The Post-Hierarchy ⍬ - ✤ The Extended Post-Hierarchy ✤

Physical Realms (Realmic Stripes) - Archrealities (Protoparticles, Inanes)

The Novachain

Nothing - The Hierarchy Hierarchy - Reality - The Structure of Everything
