A Teraverse is an unstable "complex" of Gigaverses, making it the 6th unofficial level of Archverses. Starting at this point, Gigaverses are so far apart that a gravitational singularity is located at the center, to keep them together. Lawium in here is also much less common compared to Gigaverses; it contains 12,875x less, basically around 10-12%. The structure of a Teraverse is indescribable, that many theorized it is a surreal plane for smaller Archverses. Due to its very high dimension, the Teraverse image you see to the right is a very simplified cross section of it, and it is much more confusing than you think.
Glitchonicite starts to become common here, especially at the core. Many entities have used Glitchonicite to create mass destruction, then exploited this to break out of higher Archverses, creating a grey hole, allowing exploration of the Ultraverse. This is one of the only ways to exit the Archverse chain, and go upward structure-wise. Ultraverses seems to be a barrier to a Omniverse however; you can't become infinite-sized and Ultraverses aren't relative to normal sizes.
The Teraverse are very unstable verses, and the Petaverses solve that by locking the structures in place. Gigaverses have reportedly been just dissolved into their individual Megaverses. In the picture, the Gigaverses are not shown, and what you see are the fields of the Teraverse. Since the Gigaverse has no border, they are very prone to collisions. However, Megaverses seem to be unaffected by this instability.
The Omniverse is mathmatically infinite but on the Omni Scale, it is finite, same in the ordinal sense, but teraverse is finite, in other words, a Teraverse might be contained by an omniverse, directly. However, this may not be in the usual sense. It is theorised that through some higher plane of reality, all the Archverses are ‘contained’ by an Ultraverse, which is contained by an Omniverse.
The Teraverse is about 300 octillion ly (usually) and ours is about that size. Its dimensionality is hard to explain. Usually, a Teraverse is 6D+2, 7D+2 if it contains Geraverses or Shinoverses, and sometimes even Xenoverse or Hyperverse containing ones may even be 8+3 dimensions, but these are unstable, and decay quickly. Only 0.0019% are of this type.