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The Ball (also known as The Sphere, but less commonly refered to, due to there already being another object by that name, The Sphere) is an enormous white sphere with gray dotted lines over its exterior.

Any bit of information about The Ball involves circles, spheres, any n-dimensional hyperspheres. From trivial properties, like its area, volume and circumfrence, to difficult to prove things, like the order function of The Ball being equal to , and even the infamous The Ball, which has still hasn't been proven, but tested positive for any real n (n denoting iteration, chaos function).

The surrounding area of The Ball extends extremely far, it is composed of strings that wobble greatly, as well as looping in on themselves. But in reality, these "strings" are just one string, weaving in and out from our Realm to the second, like a 4D object entering a 3D world, except beyond even the concept of dimensions.

At the tops of The Ball, the gray lines stop extending, and simply terminate near them, it is unknown as to why though, however, it is possible to escape The Ball through this top.

It is totally unknown what material The Ball, its gray dotted lines, or even the escapable cap is made out of. All that is known, that it is something that material can be extracted out of just like any regular material. It is theorized that the so-called material, is actually just a hole to the second Realm. This still doesn't explain what The Ball is made out of.

The Ball doesn't spin and is perfectly stationary, at least in regards to itself and the strings around it. The walls have some thickness, that is thought to be transfinite. Inside, it is perfectly hollow and contains a vast, vast amount of objects.
