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"Onshfjjhsdrtgfeh qjdhsbjfj erhwer, wqhkbwq uwheqbdjh eurhjdbhfjh ejsnhksw uehdfbhj esknavjf tkjdngm." ~ Adnehjsf, ruler of the Barrelmega

The Barrelmega is a large structure ruled over by Adnehjsf, a very powerful entity able to manipulate any type of Barrel-like structure. Adnehjsf speaks in an ancient language completely unintelligible/unpronounceable to virtually any creature.

The Barrelmega contains countless Barrels concentrated in 4 small areas in the Barrelmega. In these areas, black holes cannot form, thus not letting the extraordinarily dense cluster of Barrels collapse into a black hole. The other areas of the Barrelmega are very empty.

Adnehjsf also created the container of the Barrelmega, the container of that container, and so on for over 100,000,000 layers as a safety measure to make sure that the Barrelmega is not invaded. The last layer, conveniently, is a Lockverse, a verse with a barrier which cannot be broken.
