The Barrelplockinaguian is a set of barrels. They all went up to Bongus and tried to eat him. However, bongus was too OP, and trapped the Barrelplockinas (EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM) in his face. He got uncomfortable and stored them in a barrel and they were never seen since.
The Barrelplockina wanted to go clone herself, so she looked for a cloning machine. When she found one, however, it was too small, and she decided to ask a lesser god to clone it, and the lesser god cloned them, and then she asked the lesser god to merge them, and the lesser god did so. Then, they were big enough to clone the Barrelplockina, so yeah. The Barrelplockinaguian happened to also be small enough to clone himself (it was a very large cloning machine), and now there are more Barrelplockinaguians, too!
Unfortunately, at some point, someone dropped the cloning machine on the floor and it shattered into pieces, and all of the particles used to create it lost electrons so it would be very difficult to piece it back together. Because of this, there have not been any more clones of the Barrelplockinas or the Barrelplockinaguians created, so it has been encouraged by several sources to enjoy the current ones while they last.
"Barrelplockinaguians" is a mouthful of a name to say[citation needed], but the name was initially chosen at random by the Barrelplockina by spinning a spinner which contained several different suffixes to add to "Barrelplockina". "Gui" and "An" were chosen after two spins, and she thought "plockinaguian" sounded interesting enough to name the container after. However, the Barrelplazia was named by someone else so it does not follow the same naming convention.