This is the true barrier.
The Border[]
This contains all that is describable and indescribable, but it's super dense because the specks are all of The Bonds in there. The 1st (its outer to inner) is the border; it's a solid but also a liquid, because it moves like a liquid, but you cant escape like a solid.
Even though this barrier is supposed to contain everything describable and indescribable, it has many flaws, thus allowing mortal creatures to comprehend what is beyond The Barrier of Reality. But, there is a major flaw, the outer area. Out of the barrier is... weird. Because reality exists, but doesn't exist at the same time.
Note: Do not try to make the barrier a cube. Your eyes will turn into octagons, and your hands will turn into triangles.
- This is not everything.
- This can be escaped (only by infinite speed and more).
- This has been escaped 10 times (different barriers).