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Beware, Beware, The Other-Worlds Come...
For The Darkness Has Passed, And The Beyond Yet Grows...
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[ Intro: Actors and Play and Stage ][]

The Celestial Hierarchy, with all its wonders and sizes of incomprehensible scale, is entirely based on the phenomenons named "convergence," "Emergence," and one other property opposing/harmonizing both of them: "disorder," and the three's dynamic balances and imbalances on beyond-endless and beyond-eternal stage named "space," the full existential manifestation of reality parted out of nonexistential realities surrounding it. Each of the three is an essential property of the space, and mere existence of one among three phenomenons calls for the other missing two.

"Space" is a numerical and material manifestation of reality; a piece of existence, separated from complete nonexistence —the absence of numbers and material— surrounding it in all possible directions. And the nature of space is to create and contain concepts that exist, which is only possible thanks to three properties its contained existence always retains: To act as uniform, convergence, to become a part of something bigger, emergence, and to dissolve and achieve complete equilibrium, disorder. The three properties of the space stay true for any space there exists, except for abnormal regions of non-space or completely differing laws created by contradictions of space resulting from some things that space has in storage.

"Convergence" is a natural property of numerical or material objects to act as a single, unified structure. It suppresses the emergent property of individuality but is also an essential phenomenon for achieving greater emergence. Emergence is bound to happen once the process of convergence sustains long enough, but since convergence arising from the presence of emergent collection can halt or revert the process of emergence, the two phenomena are in a somewhat unstable mutual relationship. The disorder can destroy the flow of unified actions caused by convergence, but the convergence of disorder may always arise in such conditions.

"Emergence" is a natural property of numerical or material objects to come together and construct larger objects or communities similar in properties to their components. Because voluntary act of things to come together in unified purpose requires the presence of convergence, the emergence almost always comes after convergence. However, the emergence does not always act along with convergence; not only the convergence has the creative property of producing a unified set of actions, but it also has the destructive property of forcing the uniformity of a subject that disorder is happening. This usually results in the stopping of the emergent process, and sometimes gradual/rapid disintegration of things built by the emergent process.

"Disorder" is a natural property of numerical or material objects to head toward the lower degrees of emergence and achieve complete equilibrium. Dissolving, destruction, death, and conflicts are the result of the disorder, and all of them lead to greater equality and equilibrium to one another; in case of dissolving,

[ Lower Finity Class ][]


[ Higher Finity Class ][]

Those which exist in the class of higher finity are the objects whose sizes are describable by expressions or descriptive methods involving any value between zero and infinity resulting in an outcome (or some form of it) more than zero.

[ Auroverse ] 372,000,000,000 ly/d[]

[ Moolahverse ] 1.112 × 1022 ly/d[]

[ Auroraverse ] 550↑7↑↑↑699101030 ly/d[]

[ The Ultra-Versal Hierarchy ] 12↑12↑12↑fηω(15↑↑↑↑2)121212 ly/d ~ ∞[]

[ Lower Infinity Class ][]

Oppoverse / size: approx ω × 10-(fω^ωω(11))[]

Plutfuseverse / size: ω*0.00188[]

Omniverse / size: ω[]

The Outside / size: ω1000[]

The Barrel / size: ψᵢ(0) + 1[]

[ Higher Infinity Class ][]

The Box / size: ωω[]

The Earthen Globe / size: ωωωω[]

The Box Hierarchy / size: Average ε(ζω), real range ωω~ψ(Γ,ε0,φ(Γ,η200))[]

Plutfusebox / size: Average φ(Γ,η200), real range ψ(Γ0,ΓΓ0ΓΓ0))~ψ(Γ,ε0,φ(Γ,η200))[]

Probabilistic The Box Supercluster / size: Ω[]

[ Lower Transinfinity Class ][]

Probabilistic The Box Hypercluster / size: Ε0[]

Inner Void / size: Ε0~Ζ0[]

The Particle / size: Ζ0 (ΕΕΕΕ...ΕΕ0)[]

Elementary Hexahedron / size: H0[]

[ Higher Transinfinity Class ][]

Bitverse / Size: Φ(ω,ω)[]

Attraction Abnormality Range / size: Φ(ω,Φ(ω,ω,ω),ω)[]

Timeverse / Size: Φ(ω,γ0)[]

Celestial Conscousness[]

Deepest Thoughts / size: γω[]

[ Beyond Transinfinity Class ][]

Probabilistic The Box Ultracluster / size: Φ(Ω,Ω,Ω,Ω)[]

Spacetime Confluences / size: Φ(Ω,Ω,Ω,Φ(ΦΦ(ω)(ω)))[]

Hearts of Creation / size: Φ(Ω,Ω,Ω,Φ(ΦΦ(ω)(ω)))[]

The Zetabox Hierarchy / size: Ψ(Ω)[]

The Structually Emergent Hierarchy / size: ΨΨ(Ω)(Ω)[]

[ Probabilistic Breakdown Class ][]

[ Chaosverse ] / (𝔀^𝔀^𝔀)*𝔀[]

[ Superior Bitverse ] / size: (𝔀𝔀^𝔀^𝔀)^𝔀↑↑ω[]

[ Staticverse ] / size: (𝔀↑↑(𝔀-Φ(Ω)))-(ω↑↑𝔀)[]

[ Box Finality Cluster ] / size: (𝔀↑↑(𝔀-Φ(Ω)))-(ω↑↑𝔀)[]

[ Maxverse ] / size: ℰ0[]

[ Logical Breakdown Class ][]

[ The Pedestal ] ≈ʊ[]

[ The Mündus ] ʊ < 𝑥 < ∐[]

[ The Celestial Deposition ] ʊ << 𝑥 < ∐[]

[ The Finality Foundation ] ʊ <<< 𝑥 < ∐[]

[ The Ultimate Zenith ] ≈∐[]

[ Boundary of Existence ][]

The Existential Boundary

Limit of physics = reality's absolute finality
