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The Final Hyperverse is a verse that is actually not very similar to any Hyperverse, mostly being named due to it containing The Final Superverse. It is contained by The Final Existance, it is shaped like a cuboctahedron, and it contains itself.


The Final Hyperverse's surface is completely constructed from Final Superverses (the image includes the inside section of The Final Hyperverse to allow for sight inside) in exactly 3 layers, although the reason that the fractal pattern exists is unknown.

The orange color of The Final Hyperverse's surface is caused by the slow gradient of verses from inside each Final Superverse to outside of it, and the distance between each verse causes an orange color.


Other than Final Superverses, The Final Hyperverse is filled to the brim with 70% helium-3, 20% boron trifluoride, 5% methane, and 5% various other chemicals that contain mostly lithium. Because of this, safety measures must be implemented to prevent possible leakage.

Note: the reason helium-3 is so common is because common helium is unstable and decays into helium-3.
