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The Guardian of the Sine Function is an entity that somehow guards a literal function and can directly manipulate all properties of the function. Considering that the sine function hasn't really changed all that much from outside forces, we suspect this Guardian is extremely good at their job.


The Guardian of the Sine Function stands at a quite impressive 15 brontosaurus tibias. That is taller than a dust speck! How this makes sense I will never know. But what I do know is that the Guardian of the Sine Function weighs at a hefty 12 brontosaurus steaks. This entity needs to go to Weight Watchers.

The Guardian of the Sine Function is capable of manipulating the very definition of the sine function, but only the sine function and nothing else. Not in the sense of making up an alternate definition, but altering the very fundamental properties of the function to whatever they want. Standard axioms of mathematics would sometimes have to be reconsidered whenever the Guardian accidentally spills coffee on their papers where they wrote down the definition of the sine function.

The Guardian's favourite number is elephant.
