Hello to the JTHONK hierarchy! I hope you enjoy it.
Negative Objects (Class 0)[]
Negative Objects (Absolutely Tiny Chain)[]
- Thingk [Size Scale: Negative Absolute Infinity]
- Nonexistent thing that is also tiny [Size Scale: Negative K]
- Absolutely tiny nonexistent particle [Size Scale: Negative Uncountable Cardinal]
- Absolutely tiny atomic fabric [Size Scale: Negative Church-Kleene Ordinal]
- Heza [Size Scale: Negative Infinity]
- Absolutely tiny uqraek fiber [Size Scale: Negative Oblivion]
- Absolutely tiny string [Size Scale: Negative BIG FOOT]
- Absolutely tiny elementary particles [Size Scale: Negative Guapamongaplex]
- Absolutely tiny subatomic particles [Size Scale: Negative Quadrillion]
- Absolutely tiny atoms [Size Scale: Negative Trillion]
Negative Objects (He((c)(k)) Chain[]
- Hekc [Size Scale: Negative Million]
- Hevv [Size Scale: Negative 500,000]
- The dentist [Size Scale: Negative 100,000]
- Hebb [Size Scale: Negative 1,000]
- Heaa [Size Scale: Negative 100]
- Hekk [Size Scale: Negative 6]
- Hecc [Size Scale: Negative 5]
- Heck [Size Scale: Negative 4]
Negative Objects (Negative Structures)[]
- Versexeno [Size Scale: Negative 3.5]
- Versemeta [Size Scale: Negative 3]
- Versemega [Size Scale: Negative 2.5]
- Versemulti [Size Scale: Negative 2]
- Verseuni [Size Scale: Negative 1]
- Redprint Particle [Size Scale: Negative 0]
- · [Size Scale: 0]
Very Small Things (Class Sub-0)[]
Very Small Things (Particles)[]
- Protoparticle [Size Scale: A Somehow Low Infinitesimal]
- Blueprint Particle [Size Scale: Infinitesimal]
- Preprimordium Particles [Size Scale: Oe]
- Primordium Epsilon [Size Scale: Bigger than Oe but smaller than Googleplexianminex]
- Primordium Alpha [Size Scale: Googleplexianminex]
- Primordium Delta [Size Scale: Googleplexianminex]
- Primordium Phi [Size Scale: Googleplexianminex]
- Primordium Sigma [Size Scale: Googleplexianminex]
- Primordium Omega [Size Scale: Googleplexianminex]
- Primordium Theta [Size Scale: Googleplexianminex]
Very Small Things (Rennistic)[]
- Uqraek fiber [Size Scale: Googleminex]
- String [Size Scale: Googolminitua]
- Quark [Size Scale: 0.000002]
- Electron [Size Scale: 0.002]
- Nucleon [Size Scale: 0.05]
- Atom [Size Scale: 0.1]
Space (Class 1)[]
Space (On Earth)[]
- Molecule [Size Scale: 0.5]
- FYI, There are lots of things after this point but aren’t on this wiki, so I’m gonna skip to the next object I can find. (For examples, human cell, flea, string of hair, stuff like that.
- Human [Size Scale: 10]
- Again, there are lots of things between this point and the next object. I’d say... from a car to a mountain. Sorry for the inconvenience. Since the gap is so big, we unfortunately have to end this section.
Space (The Solar System)[]
- The Moon [Size Scale: 500]
- Mercury [Size Scale: 510]
- Mars [Size Scale: 530]
- Venus [Size Scale: 545]
- Earth [Size Scale: 550]
- Uranus [Size Scale: 580]
- Neptune [Size Scale: 590
- Saturn [Size Scale: 600]
- Jupiter [Size Scale: 640]
- Sun [Size Scale: 800]
Space (The Big Stuff)[]
- Solar System [Size Scale: 1,000]
- Local Interstellar Cloud [Size Scale: 5,000]
- Local Bubble [Size Scale: 9,700]
- Gould Belt [Size Scale: 12,000]
- Orion Arm [Size Scale: 17,000]
- Milky Way [Size Scale: 20,000]
- Andromeda Galaxy [Size Scale: 25,000]
- Triangulum Galaxy [Size Scale: 35,000]
- Local Group [Size Scale: 50,000]
- Laniakea Supercluster [Size Scale: 60,000]
- Pisces-Cetus Supercluster Complex [Size Scale: 80,000]
- Observable Universe [Size Scale: 90,000]
It’s Just Getting Started (Class Sub-1)[]
It’s Just Getting Started (Archverses)[]
- Universe [Size Scale: 100,000]
- Multiverse [Size Scale: 290,000]
- Metaverse [Size Scale: 400,000]
- Xenoverse [Size Scale: 600,000]
- Hyperverse [Size Scale: 750,000]
- Megaverse [Size Scale: 800,000]
- Gigaverse [Size Scale: ]
- Teraverse [Size Scale: ]
- Petaverse [Size Scale:]
- Exaverse [Size Scale: ]
- Zettaverse [Size Scale: ]
- Yottaverse [Size Scale:]
- Xennaverse [Size Scale: ]
- Wekaverse [Size Scale: ]
- Extended Divergent Archverses [Size Scale: ]
It’s Just Getting Started (Biggest Things)[]
]Disclaimer: From now on, using the math formula would just be wasting time, so I’m explaining my new solution.
^ will mean “to the power of.”
For double digit numbers and up,
- Omniverse [Size Scale: 10^{60}]
- The Outside [Size Scale: 10^{80}]
- The Barrel [Size Scale: 10^{81}]
- Barrelplex [Size Scale: 10^{82}]
- The Barrelplock. [Size Scale: 10^{83}]
- The Barrelplockplex [Size Scale: 10^{84}]
- The Barrelplockina [Size Scale: 10^{85}]
- The Barrelplockinaguian [Size Scale: 10^{86}]
- Barrelplazia [Size Scale: 10^{87}]
- The Barrelplaka [Size Scale: 10^{88}]
- The Barrelplakania [Size Scale: 10^{89}]
- The Barrelocha [Size Scale: 10^{90}]
- barrelverse [Size Scale: 10^{95}]
- Prime Barrel [Size Scale: 10^{96}]
- Barrel Container [Size Scale: 10^{97}]
- Barrel Factory [Size Scale: 10^{98}]
- Barrel Company [Size Scale: 10^{99}]
- The Box [Size Scale: 10^{100}]
- The Final Box [Size Scale: 10^{100}]
- The Brox [Size Scale: 10^{101}]
The Things Beyond (Class 2)[]
The Things Beyond (The Classic Introduction)[]
- Cetaverse [Size Scale:
- Mandelbrotverse [Size Scale:
- Mega-box [Size Scale:
- Ultra-box [Size Scale:
- The Great Triangle [Size Scale:
- The Great Square [Size Scale:
- The Super Space [Size Scale:
- The Absolute Space [Size Scale:
- The Near Everything [Size Scale:
- Bnathverse [Size Scale:
- The Most of Everything [Size Scale:
- The Absolute Existence [Size Scale: