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The Knot is an Omnidimensional object in space-time. It can only be found in The Maze, which is everywhere, so it can be found anywhere, but not really. This shape of a object is hard to explain within whats going on with those fork look-alike shapes there. This has very special parts found inside of The Knot. Also with it being eternal, it is to be existing whatsoever forever, or be what it is. These special parts contain life through DNA, but there is a chance they may be rejected to another verse. The lines in the object are moving to another part over and over again. This may contain the whole concept of a "omniverse" with being as infinite as where it can be found in The Maze.


There is some parts of The Knot that can highly be gravitational, existing within the DNA found in here. It may pull anything towards it, except the ones that contain The Knot, as if it is gaining a large amount of custody through energizing The Final Box. And so on, it continues to be a fixed point of logic where you don't exist, but exist anywhere there is.

Verses Inside Of The Knot [Based On Omnicosmology][]

Verses That Contain The Knot [Based On Omnicosmology][]
