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The Meat Grinder is an unexplainable cosmic structure that will disassemble everything that comes into it to its most basic particles. Despite being called The Meat Grinder, there are multiple of it. The basic particles grinded are then transfered of the interior of The Meat Grinder. Nobody knows what the interior of The Meat Grinder looks like, though every meat grinder is connected to the same interior. Nothing (except the Transcendent Omni-Gods) is safe from The Meat Grinder, it appears in every realm, Alphasm, The Omnifrick, etc. It can consume anything, from Dave to Dunkey Kong, and even Post-Alphasm deities like BEAN MAN BUT AWESOME. Any amount of The Meat Grinders can be destroyed, but they will never stop appearing. It is notable that whenever a The Meat Grinder is destroyed, a low infinite number appear within the next Voidsecond. It is possible, though extremely difficult, to travel through The Meat Grinder network (this will not let you travel through realms or past Alphasm). This has only been achieved by The Supreme Eeler. Some people believe that going through The Meat Grinder will bring you to a place that lets you achieve true happiness. This is likely false, as there are no proven mental health benefits of The Meat Grinder. The basic particles of The Meat Grinder network are possible to use for a very powerful energy source. However, if mishandled, this could cause the total destruction of the local Epic NGLverse, as what happened in The Well Thought Out Rational Decision. The Meat Grinder seems to have a connection to Brazil, as experiences there are all near a The Meat Grinder. Sometimes entities will simply disappear instead of being ground by The Meat Grinder, some people think that these entities are teleported to Brazil. It is possible to attract and contain large numbers of The Meat Grinders using Miner's Cages.

Miner's Cages[]

Miner's Cages are cages that can be used to trap large numbers of The Meat Grinder. Despite being called "MINER's Cages" they are owned by Chalkosis and not Miners.
