This location... has no proper words to describe it. There are no examples of life within its endless voids. Spaceships and omni-gods that travel here get lost in mere hours due to the repetitiveness of this vast place. On the edges of this structure lay various types of fractals, and these are made up of Omniverses of Reality until the edge, where you can see each individually. This place is so large, so vast, that even an omni-god took its whole life to only measure an unimportant amount of space, and they only made it past the second-lowest iteration of the edge fractals as well. That is how large this place is. The edge fractals are actually extremely small compared to the rest of this.
There have been sights from many omni-gods of an extremely powerful and mysterious entity, which even they feared. They called it the Panomni-god. Although these sources are not to be trusted, this entity apparently is weaker than "The true lord of this place." Still, even if these particular travelers are not to be trusted, reports from curious cosmic entities continue to flood in as well, some even reporting multiple Panomni-gods, which said, "This is our infinite nest," thus the words were twisted to this name.
The center holds a very large orb. It is Unknown why it is there. it has a thin, see-through layer that keeps its shape. You are able to see every single type of post-universal structure beyond this point within it. There are Boxes, Mandelbrotverses, Multiverses, and everything of the like except for the -verses of Reality. There are also different types of species trying to see what is beyond, and even though this place cannot directly stop you with natural measures, no spaceship of high enough quality and speed has been made to get to the next containing body due to the sheer size of this place alone.