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The Null is a void that is contained by the Metareality-Web. The name of the void is contradictory, since The Null is actually huge, and not tiny. No creature has entered this void, but The Null is thought to be infinitely cold, since there is no heat or light source in The Null. The Null has an entrance that acts like an enormous black hole. It sucks in everything that is too close to it, and if some unsuspecting creature gets sucked inside, it will get violently ripped apart by the gravity. That is why no creature has ever been inside The Null alive.

A few facts:

  1. The Null is one of the biggest voids ever discovered. The only way we know this is by seeing how light spreads out inside The Null's entrance. You have to wait super long and do this with extremely powerful equipment, so this method has only been tried once, and without much success.
  2. The Null is also extremely empty. It is so empty that if you survive going through the entrance, you will get erased when you enter, since the level of "reality" is so low. The low level of reality erases you from existence. This is not as bad as somehow getting out of the Metareality-Web, because here you only get erased on one timeline.
  3. This void spreads out infinitely in every direction. The same method of using light to find out how big The Null was is also used to find out if it had any boundaries. Apparently, it didn't have any.
  4. The Null used to be a flourishing reality, but some unknown power caused it's Information Bubble to split off and make it the weird empty void that it is.