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The Ocean is the unintended result of an exploration and discovery program launched by a large number of civilizations within smaller universes seeking to understand the nature of structures such as The Box, The Last Void, Peraomniversal Complex and The Bin. In terms of sheer size, The Ocean is far larger than all of them. However, in terms of quantity of information, The Ocean is vastly smaller than all of them, and is one of the least informationally dense areas recorded.


Upon the discovery of the Archverse chain and the repeated emergence of larger -verses beyond it, many civilizations became curious just how far these chains extended. Thus, they began to construct equipment which would beam large waves of energy towards these -verses, collect small pieces of information through the -verses it traveled through, and then reflect off the largest structure it scanned to beam the energy back to the universes of origin. The small pieces of information recovered would be useful in determining the nature of the -verses the waves passed through.

However, these groups had severely underestimated the number of -verses in the chain which they had beamed the waves towards. The waves began to travel up so many -verses and absorb so much information that the waves themselves began to rapidly outgrow the -verses they were traveling through. Upon exiting The Bin, just one of these waves was so immensely large that the Bin looked like nothing but a speck in comparison. These colossal waves over time began to fill the empty space (or lack-thereof) around the Bin to form an immensely large structure known as The Ocean, composed of the information collected by the waves.


The Ocean is immensely larger than even the Bin, let alone the smaller -verses it contains, however holds a fraction of the information. The waves collected a minuscule amount of information from the -verses it traveled through, so little that most inhabitants didn't even notice anything had changed. However this information is spread very thinly across the Ocean, thus giving it its enormous size.

Over time (or pseudotime or metatime or whatever I don't care it's AllDimensions), the Ocean began to form waves of its own which mostly just arose and fell within the Ocean itself, however some ended up washing over the Bin and depositing collected information back into the universes which had originally sent the waves. Upon receiving this information, the researchers instantly realized they had horribly fucked up and created a colossal disaster which they needed to fix immediately. However, thanks to metausterity, actually fixing this mess was beyond their current budget, so they just decided to pretend like it was a totally natural occurrence and examine its properties instead. (The number of clickbait YouTube videos titled "That time the government accidentally created a giant Cosmological Ocean of pseudo-information" gave Googologists extra work for months.)

It was discovered that pieces of Cosmological information were able to stay so distant from each-other due to a strange form of effect where spacetime near particles would be drawn inwards towards them (as would be expected) however spacetime away from concentrations of energy or information would be drawn outwards instead of remaining stationary. When visualized in a simplistic way, this relationship took the form of a smiley face, leading to the inevitable name "happy information".

While it was originally presumed the Ocean would continue to expend forever, there were some areas of space (or pseudospace or metaspace or whatever I care even less than before) seemed to be immune to its spread, presumably because they are already heavily dense with information as opposed to empty space. These areas can be visualized as "islands" or "continents" existing in the larger Ocean. This combination of the informationally dense islands and continents and the informationally sparse Ocean creates a larger structure known as "The Earth". Many scientists who have absolutely no links to giant oil monopolies whatsoever theorize that the foundations of The Earth can be broken down into incredibly useful materials that could be used for actual travel to places like The Box or the Bin. There has been a large number of complaints recently about the ethics and long-term effects of these practices, and all organizations involved have expressed great sympathy for these concerns, agreeing that it is an issue we must all work together to stop, right before proceeding to rape The Earth dry. Now where have I heard that before...

The Wave[]

The Wave is the endless surroundment of anything to ever exist. It contains more than all of existence, nonexistence, antiexistence, antinonexistence, physics, metaphysics, pataphysics, kataphysics, logic, illogic, paradoxes, paralogic, time, nontime, antitime, antinontime, imagination, unimagination, verses, realities, cosmologies, boxes, final boxes, white plains etc.

Size Kardashev scale
1/5000 The Ocean 3 - since all of water is

colonized by either micro-

organisms or fish

The Earth[]

The Earth is sad because we destroy it for no reason.

35 times bigger than The Ocean