This is The Official Hierarchy of the All Dimensions Wiki! In which, you can navigate through the long chain of verses, structures, realms and voids from the smallest thing to the largest made so far!
This hierarchy, an offshoot from the now-defunct Complete Hierarchy and an attempt to ease this drama, takes the longest route from
the Universe to the largest thing made so far, including some of the most visited pages in this fandom.
Every large chunk of pages is located in its own class, with further subdivisions (subclasses) including individual chains and types of objects, like Miner's chain, or The Original Hierarchy (Universe -> Omniverse).
At the end of a class, the last listed link is called a "class terminator". There are exactly 29 classes, ending at class 24 due to class 0 to -4 and still counting. The last subclass is called "Supremumia", and after that, the hierarchy connects to the finality chain, in the second part called The Extended Hierarchy.
This page will only list the pages in the "Main" Hierarchy. Smaller hierarchies, such as the extended Archverses, will not be included.
The Hierarchy Rank of this hierarchy is (H0), placing it in class 0 in THH.
Classes below 1[]
See The Pre-Hierarchy.
۞ Starter Class (1) ۞ - [Original Structures][]
To see a expanded list, click here.
Original Chain[]
- Universe (1)
- Imaginary Tethrahedron (1.25)
- Universe Group (1.3)
- Imaginary Dodecahedron (1.5)
- Universe Supergroup (1.6)
- Imaginary Icosahedron (1.75)
- Universe Hypergroup (1.9)
- Multiverse (2)
- Metaverse (3)
- Xenoverse (4)
- Hyperverse (5)
- Kiloverse (6)
- Megaverse (7)
- Gigaverse (8)
- Teraverse (9)
- Petaverse (10)
- Exaverse (20)
- Zettaverse (30)
- Yottaverse (50)
- Ronnaverse (100)
- Quettaverse (300)
- Extended Divergent Archverses (500 - 10{10}10)
- Hendaverse ( 10{10{10}10}10} )
- Dokaverse (G64)
- Archverse (TREE(3))
- Ultraverse ( ∞ )
- Omniverse (ω or ℵ₀)
- The Outside (ω+ω)
- Outerverse (ω+ω+ω)
- Barrel (ω*ω)
- The Box (ωω)
֍ Miners Class (2) ֍ - [Metaboxial Structures][]
- Omnipyramid (ε0)
- The Ultimate Attractor (ε1)
- The Omni Chain (Omnimarble-Omniceberg) (ζ0)
Miner's chain[]
- Cetaverse (Γ)
- Infinity (N1)
- Mandelbrotverse (Ω)
- Mega-box (Ω+Ω)
- Ultra-box (ΩXΩ)
- The Great Triangle (Ω^Ω)
- The Great Square (ΩA)
- The Super Space (ΩB)
- The Absolute Space (ΩC)
- The Near Everything (ΩD)
- Bnathverse (ΩE)
- The Most of Everything (ΩM)
- The Absolute Everything (ΩZ)
- THE atom (ΩAA)
- The Infinite Everything (ΩAAA)
- Knathsuperverse (ΩAAAAA)
- Kolmnasuperverse (Ω{A x 10}Ω
- Altahsuperverse (Ω{A x 100}Ω)
- Ujkasuperverse (Ω{A x 1,000}Ω)
- Bhatsuperverse (Ω{A x 10^100}Ω)
- Ghuipsuperverse (Ω{A x ∞}Ω)
- Terminal Icosahedron (Ω{A x Ω}Ω)
- Omnistructure 1 (Ω{B x Ω}Ω)
- THE galaxy (Ω{C x Ω}Ω)
- Kappahyperverse (Ω{D x Ω}Ω)
- Upsilonhyperverse (Ω{E x Ω}Ω)
- Gammahyperverse (Ω{M x Ω}Ω)
- Icosahyperverse (Ω{Z x Ω}Ω)
- Arkahyperverse (Ω{AA x Ω}Ω)
- Ghayahyperverse (Ω{AAA x Ω}Ω)
- Terminal Rhombicuboctahedron (Ω{A Xx Ω}Ω)
- Iotaultraverse (Ω{A Xx Xx Ω}Ω)
- Arkthaultraverse (Ω{A ^ Ω}Ω)
- Hakarultraverse (Ω{A X^X Ω}Ω)
- The Ultra Black (Ω{A x Ω}}Ω)
- Nullainterparesultraverse (Ω{A x Ω}}}Ω)
- Perpendicularultraverse (Ω{A x Ω( (Ω{A x Ω}Ω) }Ω)
- Actual Realm (Ω{A x Ω( (Ω{A x Ω}Ω){(Ω{A x Ω}Ω)}Ω)
- THE black circle ( Σ )
- Øpałatyœñ ( Σ+Σ )
- Ťāzræŵo ( ΣXΣ )
- Taparék ( Σ^Σ )
- THE Qwerty ( Σ!Σ )
- Tyažonteraverse ( Σ*Σ )
- Pas̀kateraverse ( Σ|Σ )
- Zatàteraverse ( Σ‘Σ )
- Ẍakkateraverse ( Σ“Σ )
- Ÿanateraverse ( Σ»Σ )
- Ŵasàteraverse ( Σ{ Σ } Σ )
- Terminal Thing ( θ )
- THE Floating Ƕ ( θ+θ )
- Nìllaxettaverse ( θXθ )
- Dimanttxettaverse ( θ^θ )
- Merkuriumxettaverse ( θ/θ )
- Orbitalexettaverse ( θ\θ )
- Gradientxettaverse ( θ{θ}θ )
- Jadrkexettaverse ( θ[θ]θ )
- Terminal Truncated Rhombicuboctahedron ( Λ )
- THE red square (Λ+Λ)
- Asimagoymaverse (Λ x Λ)
- Nalkgoymaverse (Λ Xx Λ)
- Klaçagoymaverse (Λ Xx Xx Λ)
- Bsëteagoymaverse (Λ^Λ)
- Rolmeegoymaverse (Λ{Λ}Λ)
- Pœliuxgoymaverse (B* [«- bears number] )
- Haggafëllxverse (BP* [«- bears number-plex] )
- Ytayafëllxverse (BPI* [«- bears number-plex-ian]
- Pakafëllxverse (BPIT* [«- bears number-plex-Ian-th]
- Å (!)
- The Last Verse ( ! X ! )
- The Last Plane ( ! ^ ! )
- The Last Void ( f3_1,000 )
⌬ Oofid Class (3) - [Godity Structures][]
Miner's Extended Chain[]
The Five Great Barriers[]
- The Bottle ( f4_1,000 )
- The Shelf ( f5_1,000 )
- Terminal Nonacontanonagon ( f10_1,000 )
- The Bubble ( f4_1,000,000 )
- The Greater Triangle ( f4_ f4_1,000 )
- Percudicascadaverse ( f4_ f4_ f4_1,000 )
- Zapaiyecascadaverse ( {f4^f4}_1,000)
- Doniabcascadaverse (f…4_1,000)
- Vepanoncascadaverse ( f……4_1,000
- Cryonicocascadaverse (f64_1,000)
- ???? (TREE( f4_1,000))
- Terminal Truncated Nonacontanonagon (f4_∞)
- Ulankinoniaverse ( ↂ )
- Possemaononiaverse ( ↂ+ↂ) )
- Zormnoniaverse (ↂxↂ)
- Vüqanoniaverse (ↂ Xx ↂ)
- Hogtowarnoniaverse (ↂ Xx Xx ↂ)
- Anäaknoniaverse (ↂ Xx Xx Xx ↂ)
- Kaleidononiaverse (ↂ Xx Xx Xx Xx ↂ)
- The Final Space (ↂ{5}ↂ)
- Terminal Orb (ↂ{10}ↂ)
- Multi Terminal Orbs (like the multiverse) (ↂ{20}ↂ)
- Londiadretcaverse (ↂ{30}ↂ)
- Phfünitdretcaverse (ↂ{50}ↂ)
- Nahdiidretcaverse (ↂ{100}ↂ)
- IIki'akdretcaverse (ↂ{1,000}ↂ)
- Hoøyadretcaverse (ↂ{1,000,000}ↂ)
Finals I[]
- The Greater Square (ↂ{∞}ↂ)
- The Odd (ↂ{Ω}ↂ)
- Peraomniversal Complex (ↂ{ↂ}ↂ)
⌘ Etalge Class (4) ⌘ - [Beyond Structures][]
- Uniperaverse ( ⊙ )
- Multiperaverse (⊙+⊙)
- Exaperaverse (⊙x⊙)
- Udekaperaverse (⊙ Xx ⊙)
- Sortaperaverse (⊙^⊙)
- Omniperaverse (⊙^⊙^⊙)
- The Bucket (⊙/⊙)
- The Hyper-Bucket (⊙/⊙/⊙)
- The Great Chamber ( 𝔈 )
- The Place (𝔈/𝔈)
- The Endlessness (𝔈/𝔈/𝔈)
- The Vast Cosmic Pera-Void (𝔈/𝔈/𝔈/𝔈)
- Piomakriáverse (𝔈/𝔈/𝔈/𝔈/𝔈)
- †eiplex (𝔈{10}𝔈)
- Miccëtúrquoverse (𝔈{∞}𝔈)
- Ïrëútotúrquoverse (𝔈{𝔈}𝔈)
Tier One[]
- Unknown ( ⍰ )
- Anywhere (⍰+⍰)
- Everywhere (⍰x⍰)
- The MAX (⍰ Xx ⍰)
- NA (⍰ Xx Xx ⍰)
- Super NA (⍰ Xx Xx Xx ⍰)
- Mega NA (⍰ Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx ⍰)
- Hyper NA (⍰^⍰)
- Ultra NA (⍰^^⍰)
- Omni NA (⍰^^^⍰)
- Final NA (⍰/5/⍰)
Tier Two[]
- The Alternate (⍰/10/⍰)
- The Purple Maze (⍰/30/⍰)
- The Green Maze (⍰/50/⍰)
- The Blue Maze (⍰/100/⍰)
- The Great Complex (⍰/500/⍰
- Great Location (⍰/1,000/⍰)
- Uber Realm (⍰/1,000,000/⍰)
- Black (⍰/∞/⍰)
- The End (⍰/⍰/⍰)
Tier Three[]
- Everyverse ( 山 )
- The Last (山+山)
- The Coin (山x山)
- The Bin (山 Xx 山)
Finals II[]
- V e r s e s (山^山)
- The Existence (山^^山)
⍟ Keltaibague Class (5) ⍟ - [Trancendent Structures][]
The Ring Hierarchy[]
Tier One[]
- Time and reality (山/3/山)
- Time, Reality, and... The Other Thing (山/5/山)
- MORE (山/10/山)
- Bandiverse (山/20/山)
Rings I[]
- Blue Ring (山/30/山)
- Red Ring (山/50/山)
- Green Ring (山/100/山)
- Yellow Ring (山/500/山)
- The Double Existence (山/1,000/山)
- Orange Ring (山/∞/山)
- Purple Ring (山/ω/山)
- Pink Ring (山/N0/山)
- Brown Ring (山/Ω/山)
- Cyan Ring (山/Σ/山)
- White Ring (山/Λ/山)
- Grey Ring (山/B*/山)
Rings II[]
- Black Ring (山/!/山)
- Gamma Ring (山/f4_1,000/山)
- X-Ring (山/ↂ/山)
- Ultraviolet Ring (山/⊙/山)
- Light Ring (山/𝔈/山)
- Infrared Ring (山/⍰/山)
- Microwave Ring (山/山/山)
- Radio Ring (山/山/山/山)
- Final Ring (山/山/山/山/山)
- The Triple Existence (山{5}山)
Tier Four[]
- The Quadruple Existence (山{10}山)
- Cceh (山{100}山)
- Kceh (山{1,000}山)
- The Big (山{1,000,000}山)
- Bignoseverse (山{∞}山)
- DDonut (山{Ω}山)
- ??? (山{ↂ}山)
- The Great Tesseractagonverse (山{⍰}山)
- Lemekea Thetastructure (山{山}山)
Yellowmarkers1's Chain[]
- The Wall of the Black Void ( ꐟ )
- The Green Void (ꐟ+ꐟ)
- Greennoseverse (ꐟXꐟ)
- Bluenoseverse (ꐟ Xx ꐟ)
- Purplenoseverse (ꐟ Xx Xx ꐟ)
- Yellownoseverse (ꐟ/3/ꐟ)
- Orangenoseverse (ꐟ/5/ꐟ)
Tier Two[]
- In Silico (ꐟ/10/ꐟ)
- Silico (ꐟ/20/ꐟ)
- The Orb (ꐟ/30/ꐟ)
- Uncannyverse (ꐟ/50/ꐟ)
- Dêaśaverse (ꐟ/100/ꐟ)
- Bauverse (ꐟ/200/ꐟ)
- 003 (ꐟ/300/ꐟ)
Tier Three[]
- Absobox (ꐟ/500/ꐟ)
- Almost-a-box (ꐟ/1,000/ꐟ)
- Verybox (ꐟ/1,000,000/ꐟ)
- 〄 (ꐟ/1,000,000,000/ꐟ)
- Boxbox (ꐟ/1012/ꐟ)
- Boxboxplex (ꐟ/1033/ꐟ)
- The Charm (ꐟ/1050/ꐟ)
Home Items I[]
- The Bowl (ꐟ/1063/ꐟ)
- The Cabinet (ꐟ/1093/ꐟ)
Oofandfoo's Intervention[]
- The Verse (ꐟ/10100/ꐟ)
- Ultima Existence (ꐟ/10303/ꐟ)
- Line Hierarchy
Home Items II[]
Randomuser66's Pair[]
Finals III[]
♁ Terran Class (6) ♁ - [Biggest Structures?][]
The Varience[]
- The Blue Barrier
- The Bigger
- Biggernoseverse
- In Observatorio
- The Green Barrier
- 3RR0RV3RS3
Organisms I[]
Boxes I[]
Knitting Chain[]
Boxes II[]
Probability Containers[]
Brick Chain[]
Organisms II[]
The Drum[]
For Class 7 and onward, see The Extended Hierarchy.