The Omni-Surface is the outside of The Omni-Cave and is very, very bright.
The Life on the Omni-Surface comes in many forms, such as Omni-Plants, Omni-Mammals, Omni-Birds,Omni-Reptiles, and Omni-Amphibians. For example, Omni-Trees Are each a living thing, all being TransTransTransTransPanOmni gods. Every single creature or object on the Omni-Surface represents some form of abstractness and emotion. The strongest of these abstracts are the Omni-Humans.
Omni-Humans Are the most powerful abstract ever. What they represent is not just a single object or thought, but the entirety of relativity and existence. Omni-Humans have made Omni-Nukes Before, which one time destroyed one of The Omni-Caves and ended all life that could've been thriving in there. In fact, it destroyed The Omni-Cave Right next to us, called "The Triumphant Catacombs". (Our local one is called "The Hypothetical Catacombs). In fact, the only way this photo was taken is because of the Omni-Humans wanting a "Pretty Picture" to hang up in their Omni-House.