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Somewhere way out there in the endless of boxes it ends somewhere... somehow.....there's still a end. The Safe is Almost like ​​​​​the (All of the boxes.) Box. But its Safest (Is it a word?) thing then The Box and its hard to escape from it. It Contains The Final Box but the Safe is where it ends...And.....It's UN-Thinkable ....since its Outside of the Final True box. 

Its The End of Reality.......It stops here. EVERYTHING ABOVE MIGHT NOT EXIST OR DOES IT?......

Contained By: Uber Realm

Contains: The Final True Box

Everything you think outside Of The Safe Never Exists Or it's inside the Box. It Very Protective So Don't go near it But... If You Go past it somehow... You Could be Safe from what comes from inside Of The Safe. But the outside could be Dangerous..... Too Dangerous....

Its very deadly to touch and if you touch it your dead... Never touch The Safe. Never....

Recently however, The Safe has been broken into by Marok.
