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The Structure is a mysterious construct discovered by a group of investigators from a nearby verse system. It's purpose is unknown, except it seemed to be in some idle state.

Log entry

Date 5555 33 124 11 110


Exploration reveals a gigantic complex consists of a variety of energy fields. Some of these were unrecognised energy. Preliminary field scan is now performed


Field scan data revealed what is described as an impossible "spherical" intensity with 3 satellites of energy (henceforth [sphere]). This include pitch black, self luminous white and plain. The aforementioned energy fields permeated the central [sphere] with a "orbiting" intensity

"But that is impossible, Helen. We are nowhere near any of those Wikiaverses"

"Have a read about them yourself, will you?"


"Strange... how can they all be here, without actually be here..."


One of the items recovered from the expedition

In addition to the aforementioned structures, an unknown glowing energy is seen. Closer inspection revealed a necklace shaped object with a glowing unknown material. It appears to be recently activated


"We need to go deeper"

"IntHelper MK 3200: FieldIntensity nullified"

"Let's go!"


[Sphere]'s intensity resolved into what appears to be some kind of control chamber. At what appears to be a screen, a structure resembling The Box was seen. Dots of intensity of superiority were found "around" this structure and came in two different varieties. There's also an unknown intensity that is recognised as "internal" to this structure, accompanied with the following description in an unknown language:



"These are some intriguing discoveries here"

"We better report back to HQ to request for more resources to continue this investigation"
