The Super Space is the infinity, the end of the most everything.
The Super Space contains a couple Great Squares, but it has nothing to do with the chain, as it is just a container in a much larger, grandiose chain.
The space in which The Super Space is located in is warped, such that its size stays the same, but visually it doesn't appear as large. However, it is the largest non void object in The Absolute Space, in terms of volume.
Technically, The Super Space is a void just like the others, but it was chosen to contain The Great Squares, thus nullifying its void status.
The Super Space is one of the most visited pockets in The Absolute Space.
The Super Space is curved in on itself, in which Great Squares are located and easily findable.
It is currently unknown as to whether the location of The Super Space within The Absolute Space was intentional with a motif, or randomly chosen, as the location was chosen before official written down plans were made, however, nothing of significance was found at the premise of The Super Space and is widely believed to be a random spot.
Pre-chain | Cetaverse | Mandelbrotverse | Mega-box | Ultra-box | The Great Triangle | The Great Square | The Super Space | The Absolute Space | The Near Everything | Bnathverse | The Most of Everything | The Absolute Everything |
Superverses () | THE atom | The Infinite Everything | Knathsuperverse | Kolmnasuperverse | Altahsuperverse | The Great Superpentagon | Ujkasuperverse | Bhatsuperverse | Ghuipsuperverse | Terminal Icosahedron | ||
Hyperverses () | Omnistructure 1 | THE galaxy | Kappahyperverse | Upsilonhyperverse | Gammahyperverse | Icosahyperverse | Arkahyperverse | Ghayahyperverse | Terminal Rhombicuboctahedron | |||
Ultraverses () | Iotaultraverse | Arkthaultraverse | Hakarultraverse | The Ultra Black | Nullainterparesultraverse | Perpendicularultraverse | ||||||
Teraverses () | Øpałatyœñ | Ťāzræŵo | Taparék | THE Qwerty | Tyažonteraverse | Pas̀kateraverse | Zatàteraverse | Ẍakkateraverse | Ÿanateraverse | Ŵasàteraverse | Terminal Thing | |
Xettaverses | THE Floating Ƕ | Nìllaxettaverse | Dimanttxettaverse | Merkuriumxettaverse | Orbitalexettaverse | Gradientxettaverse | Jadrkexettaverse | |||||
Goymaverses | THE red square | Asimagoymaverse | Nalkgoymaverse | Klaçagoymaverse | Bsëteagoymaverse | Rolmeegoymaverse | Pœliuxgoymaverse | |||||
Fëllx | Haggafëllxverse | Ytayafëllxverse | Pakafëllxverse | |||||||||
Beyond | Å | The Last Verse | The Last Plane | The Last Void | ||||||||
The Five Great Barriers | The Bottle | The Shelf | Terminal Nonacontanonagon | The Bubble | The Greater Triangle | |||||||
Cascadaverses | Percudicascadaverse | Zapaiyecascadaverse | Doniabcascadaverse | Vepanoncascadaverse | Cryonicocascadaverse | ???? | Terminal Truncated Nonacontaconagon | |||||
Noniaverses | Ulankinoniaverse | Possemaononiaverse | Zormnoniaverse | Vüqanoniaverse | Hogtowarnoniaverse | Anäaknoniaverse | Kaleidononiaverse | The Final Space | ||||
Dretcaverses | Terminal Orb | Londiadretcaverse | Phfünitdretcaverse | Nahdiidretcaverse | IIki'akdretcaverse | Hoøyadretcaverse | ||||||
Shape-Verses | The Great Triangle | The Great Square | The Great Superpentagon | The Greater Triangle | ||||||||
Relicverses | Pēnchearelicverse | |||||||||||
Large ones here | Detokroanawakaisinghaverse | Policiahsewverse | ||||||||||
Miscellaneous | Multiversal Planet | Big chungus | The Inaccessible Cardinal |