All dimensions Wiki

The Trans-Maximum of the Trans-Universes (TMTU) is the last trans-universe and should NOT be taken for granted. This verse is literally so far in the Index of Canon Verses that the only way to get here is to break into non existent reality and then teleport up to this verse using Glitchoni-transcendiate (). Plus, the only way to even survive a VOIDSECOND in this verse is to wear a very large and thick oxygen pack and a titanium astronaut suit (

as the gravity would crush you and there is no way to have a small oxygen pack and survive since the gravity would rip through the oxygen pack, and you know there is no oxygen). You will also notice TMTU looks identical to the Glitch Core, as nothing can form here except Glitchonicite and Transcendium, which the Glitch Core is also made out of. Almost nothing is known about TMTU, which is why we have only one fact about it, which is that the picture on the right is not the verse itself, but the entity that lives in it...

In temperature, is veeeery cold, being lower than absolute zero, and a lot more.

CREATOR'S NOTE: Edit this page as much as you like. Certainly add facts to it, because the page is kind of boring without them.
