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The Theta-Fabric is a verse that has hexaprobability orbitals mushed together in the shape of tiny fibres that connect with other clusters of fibres. This means the superior verse has Hexaprobability Orbitals stacked together to form as a giga-complex of fibres that make up the fabric itself. The Theta-Fabric is a vast network of Hexaprobability Orbitals that are arranged in a very specific order. Due to unexplainable hypercosmological forces, the fibres form massive clusters that appear as dense cotton balls with strings that attach to other clusters of hexaprobability orbitals. The clusters are represented in these spheres of influence while the strings that attach to other clusters are everywhere on this image. (See figure 1.0) Clusters may vary in size, but they are absoloutly massive and contain a lot of verses.

The fabric extends to all directions and acts as a second degree omniversal structure for everything below the Hexaprobability Orbital that contain the smaller verses. The fabric constantly changes as time goes, new clusters form twist into many spheroid shapes and many new lines of Hexaprobability Orbital are formed. However, as the fabric changes it still has a specific form. The specific forms are always within the patten of metallic bonds of Chemistry. It is very similar to our metallic bonds here on Earth because of unexplainable hypercosmological phenomena the verse undergoes through.

There are absolute voids between the clusters (figure 1.0, the black areas). They are called theta-voids. Theta voids are voids so huge that they're larger then a hexaprobability orbital and can range to many sorts of sizes. There are also empty regions and inactive regions that are basically devoid of matter or any quantum interaction in this verse. However, there are also regions that are so active that it is dangerous to traverse through them.

Self containment:[]

The fabric can contain itself as long as the existance rank of the object does not exceed of that of this verse. Self containment is only broken if the existance rank is exceeded. It's self containment methods are similar to The Box and its already pretty obvious. Meaning if you try to escape The Theta-Fabric, it just goes on forever assuming you somehow got there in the first place.
