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۞Particle info


Class: - Null class (-1) ⎊ -

Kardashev scale: like the size of the wheel but negative

Contains: ???

Nonexistent particles ThingkMandelsok

Thingk is the only component for minuscule fabrics. Every fabric of reality[3] can be broken down into one component particle: the Thingk. These specks of dust [4] bind to each other and create every sort of fabric EVERY. Similar to ATSL strings, Thing produces different fabrics by vibrating and arranging in various combinations.

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۞Vibrations of Thingks[]

The first vital property of thingk is vibration. Vibration for Thingk, like ATSL strings, creates all the visuals and properties of fabrics[5]. Visual is determined by four different types of vibrations[6], while the property is determined by a certain range of Thingk vibration from 0 to max finity.

۞Visuals and brief properties[]

LNB chart[7] is a function describing the type of verse, with three variables: (Law[8], Nature[9], Border[10]). Thingk's visual-choosing vibration function[11] is four variables: (Physical, Spacial, Energy, Dimensional)[12].

  • ۞Nonexistent / PSED:: It's simple, this is not a fabric. Of course, you don't call something with "nothing", a "thing". Only blank space exists here, and the "fabric" of space itself is probably the only fabric with this PSED.
  • ۞Point fabric / PSED:: Vibrating Thingks scattered at small radius automatically and magically[13] forms fabrics of their own. Although that fabric may be fragile, it has great flexibility. You can expect to find them in space with a low (but never zero) concentration of Thingks.
  • ۞Fuzzy fabric / PSED:: Theoretically[14], Thingk can have vibration through space without having any physical vibration at all. Space excited around Thingk will form a loosely connected cloud-like fabric. Fuzzy fabric is really fragile[15], breaking into pieces even by sweep from small movement.
  • ۞Linear fabric / PSED:: Thingk can sometimes be sending out little tiny energy waves acting as a sort of vibration. The energy radiating from Thingk is multiple static streams, but it looks more like a gigantic soup-boiling pot shot with several Railguns[16][17]. Especially strong energy streams can be connected with other thingks, forming fabric. Quite stable fabric actually, since energy streams tightly lock onto other thingk once it heads in right direction.
  • ۞Chaotic fabric / PSED:: When the composer of all fabrics[18] decide to go on some serious drugs, they can resonate between all dimensions[19]. Forms of Chaotic fabric is not regular, but mostly a jumble of blurry sphere transcending and falling between crazy dimensions.
  • ۞Cloudy cluster fabric / PSED:: This is a normal state for fabrics with Fuzzy fabric properties. Physical resonation sends ripples of excitation through nearby space, which forms cloudy fabric with a few scattered Thingks[20].
  • ۞Network fabric / PSED:: This is closest to what can usually be called "fabric". Resonating Thingks are connected with bridges made from energy radiating from them and are very stable since they are really similar to common molecules.
  • ۞Low-density fabric / PSED:: Well... this fabric is not low density, but visuals are. Every single Thingk of so-called "Low-density fabric" violently resonates through countless dimensions each moment, but are all connected by Point fabric. This results in weird Point fabric with impossibly low density, where composer Thingks instantly pop and disappear into nowhere[21].
  • ۞Thundercloud fabric / PSED:: The name does a good job at expressing how this fabric looks. Among the spacial cloud of fuzzy fabrics, unstable energy bond struggles to form linear connections. However, unlike normal linear fabric, energy bonds get distracted by fuzzy fabric. This results in a fuzzy fabric with energy streams dashing inside it like lightning.
  • ۞Scattered clouds / PSED:: When the fuzzy fabric is on drugs, getting insane energy, or some unusual phenomenon, spheres containing part of the Fuzzy fabric appears. More than infinities Not so many of them stick together and form an energetic-as-hecc elegantly moving fabric.
  • ۞Dramatic fabric / PSED:: Linear fabrics always, and are bounded to form some sort of symmetrical polygonal edges. And do you know what happens when linear fabric fluctuates between dimensions? Edge numbers go up and down like crazy and it sure looks like some sort of monster.
  • ۞Advanced network fabric / PSED:: Addition to bridged point thingks, there is now an energy cloud enveloping them. Advanced network fabrics are mostly fragile fabrics with no strong connections between their components. understandable, considering that even Line+Cloud fabric is unstable and now thingks are vibrating.
  • ۞Order fabric / PSED:: "Dramatic" fabrics form ordered shapes when they have ripples of energy surrounding them. Energy flows inside changing line structures, and magically according to natural properties of Dramatic fabric, they form order.
  • ۞Evolving network fabric / PSED:: Hmm, what does "evolving network" here refer to? Evolving (changing between countless dimensions) culture of memes, or a world of it? Or a natural-forming environment of scattered vibrating thingks and linear streams? Surprisingly, it is the latter.
  • ۞Superspeed fabric / PSED:: Scattered cloud fabric contains a fuzzy fabric with a lot of energy. Individual thingks sometimes has chance to absorb that "lot of energy" when everything is in place, occasionally being accelerated into ridiculous speed. So basically... Fuzzy fabric on drugs.
  • ۞Absolute fabric / PSED:: the impossible insanity fabric and an absolute chaos surpassing azathoth or big bang.


Thingks' properties are at least more commonly plausible[22], as it is based on a little more comprehensive system: that of ATSL atoms and ATSL strings. For the readers who are too lazy to go into links and see what the system is[23], here is a brief example: "the creature between hour 1 to 8 walks with 4 legs, 2 legs between hour 8 to 16, and three legs between hour 16 to 24"[24].

By the way, the below descriptions are really, really, REALLY simplified and widely-including properties[25].

  • ۞Avg vibration rate [26][27]: Stable thingks with painfully slow vibration speed are (usually) the most common thingks. As it is abundant, stable fabrics (fabrics like ATSL uqraek fiber) are also (usually) the most common fabrics.
    • ۞Sub property[28] #1 / "Just exist, ok?": Although 0 to 1 vibe/OYC is not impressive, it still composes higher-level fabrics. Basic properties for higher fabrics are defined by 0 to 1 vibe/OYC fabrics, the first of them being: "LAW No.1 OF FABRICS: You are all free to do whatever you want EXCEPT NOT EXISTING[29] >:0"
    • ۞Sub property #2 / "Egoism": Even stable fabrics are unable to join under one sky omniverse The True Waterfall TEH influence of physics[30]. Whenever fabrics touch each other, in most cases, they quietly annihilate each other. Oh, and in rare cases... So the second law of fabrics is: "LAW No.2 OF FABRICS: It's fine to be kind to everything, except other fabric like yourself."
  • ۞Avg vibration rate : Yes, it is really ridiculous vibration number jump from 1 to freaking infinity, which surprisingly turns out to have almost the same rarity as thingks with 0 to approx 1 vibration rate[31]. Not much different from lower vibrations, except the fact that fabrics start to radiate a little bit of energy.
    • ۞Sub property #1 / "Oh, so you want to hold more?": The first restriction card of thingks to fabrics is: "LAW No.1 FOR FABRICS BEYOND 0 to 1vibe/OYC: Do whatever you want EXCEPT absorbing energy amount beyond finite". The law is also applied to higher and unstable fabrics.
    • ۞Sub property #2 / "Release more, get thanos-snapped": Then, is it the only restriction for mysterious infinite energy sources? Nah. As said in the vibration range description, lower 2nd vibration range fabrics radiate energy in various forms[32]. Because thingk bonds are quite weak, all about the same or weaker than 0 to 1 vibe/OYC fabrics, they cannot allow the fabric to radiate energy in the single-shock form[33]. Or else, the fabric will instantly dissolve.
    • ۞Sub property #3 / "Title unlocked: nacromancer": Even though the fabric got lots of disadvantages, there is one big bonus[34] for them this time. Probably a bonus even bigger than all the restrictions it got: bigger fabric can infect other fabric's remnant upon contact!
  • ۞Avg vibration rate : Rarity increases by a noticeable amount from before [35], and thingks start to have a few destructive properties. One example of a fabric formed by these thingks is Atomic Fabric. there is 3 more vibration range to go, and thingks already form monsters like Atomic fabric?
  • ۞Avg vibration rate : From here[36], Thingks' vibe[37] becomes rave[38]. Which adds new exciting[39] properties to the original! Such as fabric radiating deadly particle streams, or how about really hot fabrics force-producing verses whenever it wants? Yes, "exciting" features I guess...
    • ۞Sub property #1 / "Ignore rules and you die": With raving thingks[40], few small restrictions are completely ignored[41]. Because "small" does not necessarily mean "unimportant" here, some rave fabrics ignoring "important small rules" start to break down.
    • ۞Sub property #2 / "Or you can create rules if you need one": Not only fabric can now ignore many rules, but they can also CREATE their own. Obviously, the rules are practically all ridiculous[42]. This property breaks already-broken-as-hell fabric even more. You know it is going to be bad if something like "must not exist" and "exist" meets.
  • ۞Avg vibration rate : Ever heard about "False vacuum decay"? You probably did not and it is a bad example, so forget it. Now, fabrics are insanely unstable and will randomly break into gigantic explosions. How gigantic? imagine an uncountable number of protoverses going big bang all at once across the whole fabric.
  • ۞Avg vibration rate : When the imposter is sus I mean... when each thingk composing the fabric has destructive power bigger than they can hold, fabric explodes[44]. However, natural space has an energy cap it can hold for each and every particle, causing the fabric to radiate exactly the Absolute Infinite amount of energy at destruction but no more.
    • ۞Sub property #1 / "At the border of life and death": Aside from the fact that Max-Vibration Fabric is the god of destruction, the fabric itself[45] is pure anarchy. Everything of fabric is destroyed or altered, and new, never-seen-before laws dominate the fabric. The max-vibration fabric is limit of all fabric, as Thingks only disappear without[46] delay if it has more energy than this.

۞Functions of individual Thingk[]

So far, the topic was only focused on vibrations of thingks. It's true that Thingk fiber is impressive and all, but what can non-vibrating, individual Thingks do? Surely not nothing, right? yes[47]. In fact, they can do many activities! Most of the activities are attaching to other particles and being a helper[48].

  • ۞First Function, stabilizers of space: Sometimes, maniacs such as exploding protoverse or unstable fabrics' explosion can break space[49]. There are many fabrics and particles keeping that from happening, such as ATSL Uqraek fiber[50]. But basically almost all work of "keeping space alive" is done by randomly floating individual Thingks. Because Thingks have a negative mass, they absorb the energy around them when they are destroyed by an energetic event[51][52].
  • ۞Second Function, annihilator of dangerous particles: ATSL elementary particles, Protoverses, Pencils... there are so many dangerous particles popping out of nowhere and demanding destruction. Like antibodies of space itself, Thingks can annihilate dangerous particles. The main way Thingks do so is by simply colliding with them[53].
  • ۞Third Function, flex tape for bigger particle structures: Particles and structures of them are bonded by flowing Thingks stream at the tiniest scale. If you zoom in far enough into any particle, they will be composed of flowing Thingk streams + other tiny tiny elementary particles

۞Other arrangements Thingks can form[]

Thingks are perfect. They always form a fabric, no matter what condition. No flaws, no bugs, and no exceptions. And yes, the first three sentences of this sub-heading are a total lie. Thingks are buggy as hell, which means there are TONS of thingks forming non-fabric structures. The structures are often cringe[54] jumble, while some are purely coincident masterpieces.

  • ۞Class 1 / approx: 100% cringe, 0% masterpiece[55][56]: Probably all random and useless arrangements of thingks are included here. They don't ever try to do anything, just sitting there, consuming space... Or how about nonexistent Thingks? Same as former, but renders a seemingly empty space[57] unusable. In a nutshell, this class is for garbage Thingks.
  • ۞Class 2 / approx: 70% cringe, 30% masterpiece: Class 2 is where Thingk arrangement at the border of atomic fabric and Class 1 Thingk structures are. Kurzgesagt[58], Class 2 Thingk structures are majorly unhelpful but the ones that unintentionally become help.
  • ۞Class 3 / approx: 50% cringe, 50% masterpiece: If Uqraek fiber and ATSL uqraek fiber was Thingk structure, it would be placed here. It means they are sort of helpers, but not entirely. Also from class 3 and on, Thingk structures gain at least some form of ordered connections[59].
  • ۞Class 4 / approx: 30% cringe, 70% masterpiece: Orders become clearly observable[60] and Thingk structures become actual help for bigger objects; such as fundamental particles made from thingks[61].
  • ۞Class 5 / approx: 0% cringe, 100% masterpiece: This maybe the rarest kinds among countless Thingk networks, since almost every "helping" function are done by Thingk fabrics. However, some are helpful as most helper fabrics, such as exciting protoverse so it can create new verse[62]. The point here is that protoverse forms verse PEACEFULLY, without big bangs.
  • ۞Class ??? / exact: 42% cringe, 42% masterpiece: It's the Thingk network holding unchanging, absolute answer to everything.[63]

۞Fabric with no thingks?[]

Nah, impossible.



The Box: Imma 'bout to end this man's whole career

  1. Size of thingk and below particles are measured in this equation: , where (negative property size standard) is a size that has maximum negative properties. This concept has its roots at how the size of Zyoron is described.
  2. (reverse hyperdimensions ) is equal to hyperdimension of ordinal. In case where there are multiple layers of function, such as (or ), inner functions generate ordinal, then only outermost works according to original rule.
  3. examples being ATSL uqraek fiber and atomic fabric
  4. strangely, they really act like dusts
  5. and SO MUCH more
  6. a bit like how LNB works
  7. This is LNB chart and you approximately get how it works:
    LNB chart
  8. physics law
  9. natural objects
  10. verse boundary
  11. Shortened to PSED
  12. the four horsemen vibrations of apocalypse Thingk
  14. this sort of Thingk actually exists in reality but finding it is so hard that it may as well as be impossible. Only structures and verses beyond The Box will give meaningful answer to it.
  15. almost as fragile as actual clouds
  17. It means it is hard to distinguish whether thingk's radiation is stream or explosion wave
  18. I mean Thingk
  19. wait- no- pun not intended--
  20. a bit like sprinkling few raisins inside the rice pudding
  21. LOOKS like quatum fluctuations but it is NOT quantum fluctuations.
  22. still confusing as hell
  23. such as me
  24. you have authority to punch me for stating this as "example"
  25. like, "destructive properties" can be (when fabric made contact with anything) energetically vibrating thingks penetrating and disassembling everything, flying off to rip off particles, or kalmly drifting through space until they find target and explode.
  26. About "Avg Vibration speed": It is average vibration speed (among four types mentioned at "visuals" part) of Thingk contained by fibers.
  27. And about : it is a unit measuring vibration number of thingk per 1 OYC
  28. addition to increasing instability (the instability of fabric goes up to god's realm as you read further), composer Thingks add inherent properties to fabric.
  29. It looks so obvious, but is actually not if viewed from Omniverse and beyond objects perspective. Those nasty (?) objects usually contain every single possible and impossible things. This includes something existing, not existing, and over-existing at same time, meaning there are fabrics existing and not existing at same time. Now, why is this a problem? Simple: fabric cannot do anything when it does not exist.
  30. yes, yes, yes it is the right one
  31. ...this means they are as common as person who knows what 1+1 is. Well yeah, certainly not 100% but really big percentage!
  32. Majority of energy emission methods are: wave-particle, stream of really small no-mass particles, or occasional large explosions.
  33. Single-shock can mean many things. Obviously, explosion is included, so is energy bursts. Thankfully, the small restriction keeps everything near high-energy fabric from obliterating whatever it is close to.
  34. of course fabrics do not care whether they have really huge moolah (moolah means money) piled up in their wallet, but we do. Example chosen.
  35. "noticeable increase in rarity" here refers to 0.00... ... (some really large number of 0s) ... ...01%. Ok, I will be honest, it is not noticeable. Hey, it's at least not infinitesimal!
  36. although it's only half of vibration range list
  37. vibration
  38. NOT raveration
  39. unimaginably destructive, and skyrocketed rarity
  40. and a worrying amount of energy stored in them
  41. although there are lots of bigger restrictions mentioned above, undoubtedly countless smaller restrictions were being applied to fabrics without any problem.
  42. finding somewhat logical rule defined by fabric is harder than hitting a particular window in San Francisco by throwing a baseball from New York.
  43. you know something is wrong when almost nonexistent composer of reality can rip space itself
  44. ...obviously
  45. max-vibration fabric is observable for infinitesimal amount of time right before it gets destroyed.
  46. but with bigger explosion than what protoverse usually makes
  47. this is probably the first time I attach "yes" after "surely (something) right?"
  48. or derstruction
  49. Not "space-time"! Unlike our universe, in a space occupied by nothing, space and time exists as separate elements. So does other properties that can mix up with space; such as existence or pencil (basically everything).
  50. ...which is actually something like kitchen gun. Uqraek fiber absorbs explosion energy and force-stores it at space around it. Sure, it temporarily prevents instant destruction but what's the difference when energy-stored space later explodes into infinitely powerful explosion
  51. as a result, thingks keep the space from breaking down... at least they can save things below size
  52. This also means thingks are NUMEROUS, INSANELY NUMEROUS, enough to influence positive world with its tiny tiny tiny scale along with other friends.
  53. Thingk(s)=negative mass=collision with enough thingk(s)=mass becomes 0
  54. ...if you clicked the link, you may sue me for indirect eye bombardment
  55. a cringeness scale. It is inverse-proportion indicating cringeness of certain topic. Usage example is "mosquitos are approx: 100% cringe, 0% masterpiece" = AKA absolute garbage
  56. and nope, it is not actual unit
  57. (if occupied with nonexistent Thingks)
  58. ("in a nutshell" in german - source: google translation / Kurzgesagt (german) -> In short (english))
  59. not quite noticeable order, more like jumbling countless same shapes and crumpling it.
  60. like orders of molecules
  61. Class 4 Thingk arrangements are majorly the ones perfectly same as blueprint particles.
  62. even this function is really restricted tho, since Thingk network-formed verses only account for less than infinitesimal amount of them.
  63. yes, yes this class is 100% meme purpose