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This, also known as He, Her, or It, is an Omni-God, and one of the most powerful gods of that category.


The power of This is that if you use a pronoun to refer to something, It will gain that being’s abilities. It will also gain their form into Its cache of possible forms, leading It to be able to trick pretty much anything, though that will likely never be necessary. The only being which it cannot obtain the form or powers of are entities with full access to The Core of Everything, such as Gerald, and Transcendent Omni-Gods. Absolutely indescribable entities and verses can avoid This's power as well.

This has about 1/10 the power level as Dunkey Kong.

This occasionally has bursts of unmatchable power, due to foolish Transcendent Omni-Gods trying to create a being more powerful than Dunkey Kong. However the higher ranking Transcendent Omni-Gods always destroy these beings, and thus This’ power derived from them.
