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The Transversal Kardashev Scale is a scale used to measure how much a civilization or cosmic entity controls.

0 controls nothing.

0.0007 < Humans are here at time of writing.

0.001 controls a single planet.

0.0015 controls many planets.

0.005 controls a single star.

0.01 controls a single system.

0.015 controls multiple systems.

0.05 controls a single galaxy.

0.055 controls multiple galaxies.

0.1 controls a cluster of galaxies.

0.15 controls multiple galaxy clusters.

0.5 controls a supercluster of galaxies..

1 controls a single Verse.

1.5 controls multiple verses.

2 controls a verse that contains other verses, for example the Multiverse.

2.5 controls multiple verses containing other verses.

3 controls a verse that contains other verses that contain other verses, e.g. the Megaverse.

3.5 controls multiple of those.

X controls a verse with a EUSI of X.

And so on. There is a lot of hierarchys. In Maxywaxy's Hierarchy, the highest a cosmic entity could possibly be is 20.

In Firstlink Hierarchy, the highest a cosmic entity could possibly be (currently) is 155. Kardeshev scale wiki
