"The Bread is our god. Disturb him, and you can prepare for a bad time."
The Tredaverse usually takes the form of a gigantic fractal. If you count the entire sphere of influence, its usually over 7 quintillion * its mass (in Udekaverses). This is due to the fact that the core feeds off them and the more there are, the more powerful He becomes.
The Tredaverse’s power[]
The Tredaverse gets its power from… itself. Believe it or not, the Tredaverse is a fully sentient being. Our Tredaverse takes the form of a 20D Hyper-Bread. Us humans, of course, can only see an incredibly tiny sliver of that, so He looks like a Mandelbrot set, at least in our plane of reality. He is known as the Bread and tends to also be the most powerful, which is why our Tredaverse is one of the biggest there is (Over 1.772 quattorvigintillion Udekaverses wide, almost 1,055 times larger than average!!). Anyways, he despises most other celestial beings, as they think they are superior to humans and all life forms. Instead, he thinks of himself as an equal. He is incredibly intrested in humans and the Ÿg⬘Ûṟqⱝffⳙ!n⊶ especially, as they make sandals, the Bread’s favourite food. Since the Udekaverses are so densely concentrated around the border, as His field arranges them in that way, they mostly keep Him in check. However, if he is angered, he can turn into a small, but incredibly powerful Sortaverse. This usually ends in mass destruction, as a verse containing one of its own kind doesn’t so much cause a paradox, but the rapid expanding causes, let’s just say, a few problems. Several Udekaverses may also be destroyed in this scenario, which is why keeping him calm is not only important for not dying, but the more Udekaverses are lost, the angrier he generally becomes. Thankfully we have alot to spare and the occurance is pretty rare, only happening about every Googol years.
! WARNING ! The bread is NOT EDIBLE! If you try and eat the bread, it will eat you back and you will be absorbed into its structure. Not like your mouth is big enough.
Where are the Udekaverses?[]
There tend to be 4 areas of the Tredaverse, and I will list them.
- The Core. The Core, of course, is the Bread. The Core cannot be entered, destroyed, or overlapped, unless He runs out of Udekaverses. In this case, he can no longer keep in check. He bloats up and subsequently explodes, turning the Field and everything else into Sortaverse matter. Does that mean that everything below a Sortaverse will eventually be destroyed? No! However, this isn’t the Sortaverse’s page, so I’ll elaborate there.
- The Perimeter. Located right outside the Core, the Perimeter holds 99.6%~99.96% of all the Udekaverses. (depending on how many Black Spots there are, how close they are, and the overall shape of the fractal). While the Tredaverse as a whole is 7 quintillion times less dense than the Udekaverse, the Perimeter is about 932 unvigintillion times denser!!! This doesn’t actually cause collisions, as the fractal shaped “gravity” bends them into structures that allows them to be stored incredibly compactly while bending spacetime to make them fit. The Tredaverse is a very strange place.
- The Field. By far the largest, it obviously gets weaker the farther you get. It's very edge of any meaningful influence is, as I said, about 1.772 quattorvigintillion Udekaverses wide. Its effects have really been said before, so I actually won’t say much. Sorry, cry about it.
- The Black Spots. These are zones where the Tredaverse’s power is still high, enough to absolutely delete you, but low enough for Udekaverses to remain intact. In our Tredaverse, they occur very close, so rogue Udekaverses can ‘jump’ and appear there sometimes. Our Udekaverse still remains near the perimeter. The other black spots are fainter and farther, and so there are less Udekaverses there. In our Tredaverse, around 99.72% of Udekaverses appear in the Perimeter. The rest, here. With our Tredaverse being so large, there have only been 276 out of nearly 140 septendecillion Udekaverses escaping out of the Tredaverse. That’s crazy. So, you can see how hard it is to escape for a Udekaverse. How would a mere human do it? Well first, probably get some new tech.
So you want to… live?[]
Living in the Tredaverse is incredibly hard, as in the yellow zones (areas of the Tredaverse’s immense influence), the power is so strong that you are either flung out into the abyss, simply just stop existing or into the black zones, which is where many Udekaverses live and you’d just be slurped up (most likely also dying in the process). This intense field of manipulation bends reality itself so much, half of the time you’ll immediately stop existing due to the influence. This is why anything smaller than a Udekaverse is so rare, in fact, almost impossible. Only the Udekaverses have the power to… somewhat stay intact and resist the forces of the Tredaverse, and only the most stable and powerful of Udekaverses can resist being ripped apart outside of the Perimeter (the most stable area). So, if you want to escape, you’ll need an incredibly special gravitational and reality warping device to even exist for a second in there. No plain old abyss preservation device will work here. You’ll need quindecillions of joules of cosmic energy a second to even power the thing.