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Turtlies are any number of cosmological objects, vastly ranging in size from sub-universal to universal, based on the famous saying, "it's turtles all the way down". They can a collection of lower-level Turtlies, being made of even smaller ones and so on, except if they are the lowest-level Turtlie, the Planet. Higher-level Turtlies are always made of the previous level, except if they are a Planet.

There is also a measurement system used by many civilizations within The Infinite Cosmology that starts with T-0 (Planet), T-1 (Star System), etc. This is a set of values corresponding with their objects:

Turtlie Tier Standard Naming Note
T-0 Planet This is where we live in, until the far future. (around 2500s - 3000s)
T-1 Star System Star System can have any amount of stars, up to 3 rarely!
T-2 Galaxy Type 3 civilizations can control over this entire system.
T-3 Galaxy Cluster This may be the limit of our civilization, no matter how far you go.
T-4 Galaxy Supercluster Galaxy clusters are grouped with other clusters in superclusters.
T-5 Hypercluster/Supercluster Complex/Galaxy Filament This is only the observed level where there are some unique types.
T-6 Tublaxa The common universes can't have Tublaxas because they're not big enough to fit one. Only "bigger universes" can.
T-7 Tublaxa Cluster Yeah... It's a generic cluster of Tublaxas. Nothing's special.
T-7 Tublaxa Supercluster Nothing special, it's just a generic cluster of Tublaxa Clusters.
... ...
T-ω (Limit) Universe / Erkesik

The Turtlie ranking system is has the same essence as the EUSI, the differences being, that the Turtlie counts the amount of nested systems, instead of physical containments, and doesn't include an array as its input.

The Turtlie rank should theoretically begin with T-0 being a moon, but not all planets have moons, and if we include moons, there is nothing stopping moons from also having moons, and triple nested moons, and so on. This could theoretically be described as , but the author didn't intend for this originally, so it is unofficial yet.
