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"The Udekaverse resembles a black hole, however, the Udekaverse has some very strange properties. You could think of it as a black hole, if a black hole was an ultra-dense 19D death whirlpool of chaos."

Special Properties[]

The Udekaverse possesses a property called the ‘Spiral’. The Spiral makes the Udekaverse spin incredibly fast, and it allows small objects (Megaverse and smaller) to be ejected AWAY from the core and subsequently coalesce with other objects. Further out, large structures can form, including the Vendekaverse. The Udekaverse is also full of Gravityverses, as they naturally form and although being larger than a Megaverse, their incredible gravitational manipulation powers allow them to resist the Udekaverse. This allows them to form Vendekaverses. These, however, are no longer affected by the Spiral, and begin their gravitational descent into the core to be split and ejected back to the edge.

Due to the insane bending of not only space-time and reality, Udekaverses can have zones where time flows backward, or time and space merge, or space becomes meaningless. In some areas there can even be spots where the laws of reality change, so one moment you’re you, the next you’re a light soup, the next you’ve been stretched over trillions of miles. These adverse effects get more adverse near the center, and matter has been reported to just stop existing sometimes. So, the Udekaverse actually slowly loses mass, and once gravity gets weaker than the Spiral, it blows itself apart. This also means there is a very delicate balance between mass and the Spiral, which is also why the range of potential sizes is so narrow. However, matter just ceasing to exist is rare, since most small or dense objects tend to have a border strong enough that the interior remains the same, and the outer edge doesn’t have so many reality breaks.

! WARNING ! Do not "feed" or "twist" an Udekaverse! The extreme conditions might blow apart the Udekaverse in the best case, or in the worst case destroy it and its surrounding Udekaverses, sending them to an inescapable void of nonexistence.

Attempting to escape the Udekaverse[]

For large objects, this is genuinely impossible unless you are a celestial being. Even for small objects, the curvature either means that you’ll end up somewhere else or just be torn apart, because the Spiral’s influence decays faster than the gravity’s influence.

While the Udekaverse is usually “only” a few sexdecillion Vendekaverses wide, it actually is INCREDIBLY dense! It can have over 82 QUATTUORDECILLION Vendekaverses in the space of one, which means it is 8.2 quindecillion% denser than a Vendekaverse. Multiply this by 19 dimensions and you get alot. These also can curve, bend, and even overlap without the inhabitants usually noticing, as space time kinda gets really weird!
