This thing is so, so big, that if you imagine it in its totality, your brain will turn into a black hole.
The Ultra-box contains the Mega-box, which in turn contains Mandelbrotverses. The need for these and their conception is described in detail on the Mega-box article.
Ultra-boxes contain Mega-boxes based the smallest differences in logic, however, one can argue that these differences are actually the largest ones, as they affect the logic that happens behind logic itself (sub-logic). These differences are, unfortunately, indescribable in any human language, due to us being incapable of comprehending them, as well as never encountering them.
Ultra-boxes are thick yellow rims made out of Adadai (elementary particle of the Suemiverse), while the Mega-box is made out of Adadai-0 (altered Adadai). The Mega-box is also just a rim.
The reason as to why the Ultra-box and Mega-box are just rims, is because the gravitational center of the structure is in the dead middle and all Mega-boxes revolve around it. If the Ultra-box has walls, there would be a higher chance of collisions, if a Mega-box was set loose.
Pre-chain | Cetaverse | Mandelbrotverse | Mega-box | Ultra-box | The Great Triangle | The Great Square | The Super Space | The Absolute Space | The Near Everything | Bnathverse | The Most of Everything | The Absolute Everything |
Superverses () | THE atom | The Infinite Everything | Knathsuperverse | Kolmnasuperverse | Altahsuperverse | The Great Superpentagon | Ujkasuperverse | Bhatsuperverse | Ghuipsuperverse | Terminal Icosahedron | ||
Hyperverses () | Omnistructure 1 | THE galaxy | Kappahyperverse | Upsilonhyperverse | Gammahyperverse | Icosahyperverse | Arkahyperverse | Ghayahyperverse | Terminal Rhombicuboctahedron | |||
Ultraverses () | Iotaultraverse | Arkthaultraverse | Hakarultraverse | The Ultra Black | Nullainterparesultraverse | Perpendicularultraverse | ||||||
Teraverses () | Øpałatyœñ | Ťāzræŵo | Taparék | THE Qwerty | Tyažonteraverse | Pas̀kateraverse | Zatàteraverse | Ẍakkateraverse | Ÿanateraverse | Ŵasàteraverse | Terminal Thing | |
Xettaverses | THE Floating Ƕ | Nìllaxettaverse | Dimanttxettaverse | Merkuriumxettaverse | Orbitalexettaverse | Gradientxettaverse | Jadrkexettaverse | |||||
Goymaverses | THE red square | Asimagoymaverse | Nalkgoymaverse | Klaçagoymaverse | Bsëteagoymaverse | Rolmeegoymaverse | Pœliuxgoymaverse | |||||
Fëllx | Haggafëllxverse | Ytayafëllxverse | Pakafëllxverse | |||||||||
Beyond | Å | The Last Verse | The Last Plane | The Last Void | ||||||||
The Five Great Barriers | The Bottle | The Shelf | Terminal Nonacontanonagon | The Bubble | The Greater Triangle | |||||||
Cascadaverses | Percudicascadaverse | Zapaiyecascadaverse | Doniabcascadaverse | Vepanoncascadaverse | Cryonicocascadaverse | ???? | Terminal Truncated Nonacontaconagon | |||||
Noniaverses | Ulankinoniaverse | Possemaononiaverse | Zormnoniaverse | Vüqanoniaverse | Hogtowarnoniaverse | Anäaknoniaverse | Kaleidononiaverse | The Final Space | ||||
Dretcaverses | Terminal Orb | Londiadretcaverse | Phfünitdretcaverse | Nahdiidretcaverse | IIki'akdretcaverse | Hoøyadretcaverse | ||||||
Shape-Verses | The Great Triangle | The Great Square | The Great Superpentagon | The Greater Triangle | ||||||||
Relicverses | Pēnchearelicverse | |||||||||||
Large ones here | Detokroanawakaisinghaverse | Policiahsewverse | ||||||||||
Miscellaneous | Multiversal Planet | Big chungus | The Inaccessible Cardinal |