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The Universe of Sousfabula is a universe in the Multiverse of Geislunrefur. It is similar to our own, except with a higher Eisler value. This allows for things to happen in this universe that would be considered magic in our universe. In 2015, this universe underwent an event that caused several timelines to be created and fold in on each other. Fortunately, in 2018 this universe formed a connection with Our Universe, which stabilized it for the most part.

Subatomic Formations[]

The higher Eisler Value of this universe allows for several interesting subatomic formations, similar to strings. These were deemed "wisps", due to their unpredictable nature of phasing and unphasing seemingly out of existence. They resemble smoke tendrils that dissolve and reform and are relatively unstable, and thus can only exist in verses with an Eisler value that is at least 7. These have been catalogued by only a few people that include members of this universe, as well as our universe.


There are many types of formations that exist in this universe. The list below shows all of the naturally-occuring formations that have been discovered and catalogued.

  • Galdur - This is the most common "wisp" in this Universe. It has been theorized that it has the ability to influence a universal "field" of galdur which can cause an apparent spontaneous generation and dissolution of objects that seemingly defy gravity and act by their own laws of physics. This behavior was actually proven to be caused by the "reordering" of the universal field, that is, the sudden "locking" of the universal field in certain areas is what causes the apparent generation of matter. There are several creatures that mostly consist of galdur, holding together bits of matter. These have been dubbed "Galdurians" because of their makeup. They cannot enter our universe, due to the previously stated fact about wisps. The galdur imitates the bits of matter that are interspersed throughout. These also contain an amout of sál, which stabilizes the galdur. Without the sál, the galdur ceases to exist.
  • Einbeitni - This is another type of wisp that is commonly found in material creatures, typically around sál and litur. An interesting property of einbeitni is that it can fuse with galdur to form a viscous "liquid". This liquid is sometimes called "sameining", but more commonly called "galbeit". It's technically not a liquid, as it consists of independent dense particles that resemble strings that slide past each other. Because of this, galbeit can in exist the same universes that support strings. Because galdur forms a more stable substance with einbeitni than sál and matter, Galdurians who have been exposed to too much of it have had their bodies melt as they turn to "galbeit". Einbeitni is also what stablizes the sál in material creatures. For this reason, the sál is able to exist even if the matter is completely destroyed or removed.
  • Sál - This is one of the most mysterious wisps in the universe, because it is found in every animal in this universe. For some unknown reason, animals that enter this universe automatically gain sál, as well as litur and einbeitni. It seems to represent life force, as it only appears in living things, mixed with litur and a cage-like structure formed by einbeitni.
  • Litur - Little is known about this wisp. It seemingly changes the color of any sál it's "bonded" to. So far, it has only been found in material creatures, bonded to the sál, and has only been able to be sythesized, rather than isolated from the sál. When it is bonded to sál, the litur forms one of the most strong bonds known between wisps, stronger even than the bond formed between einbeitni and galdur. However, unlike einbeitni and galdur, this bond does not completely stabilize the sál, even when combined with einbeitni.