All dimensions Wiki

OrrinPants OrrinPants 2 December 2021

Fiber Bigger The

Fiber Bigger The is a fiber, but with a very, very, very, very miniscule size. outside that fiber you see some Holes Ending Never. after that you start to get confused there because you will see inverted colors that never existed. Fiber Bigger The contains "Ice Of Barrier Great".

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OrrinPants OrrinPants 23 November 2021


I've combined both of these pages into one.

The Happy Lakitu throws out the player. He can throw the player in many ways. Whether he/she glides from the sky, or gets thrown from the background, or comes up from the ground. He can also give out good things like coins.

The Angry Lakitu throws out enemies, or sometimes his job is to give out bad things like spiky shells or goombas.

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OrrinPants OrrinPants 29 April 2021

Video gameverse

It's a bunch of video games (which is not reality).

A bunch of protoverses came out of Reality and went out, but they weren't in reality and they made something OUTSIDE OF REALITY.

There were a few verseprotos.

Or should I say a negative number of them?

Also, not that reality. The other reality that looks like an omniverse.

There's nothing for this in the infobox, so Angry and Happy Lakitus live here.

Video Gameverse has now been explored. During the exploration, someone was playing Mario Bros and noticed an astronaut in 1-1. This is the result of an astronaut being in the Video Gameverse while somebody is playing the game the astronaut is in.

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OrrinPants OrrinPants 29 April 2021


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OrrinPants OrrinPants 28 April 2021


If this page was a nothingverse, it would look like the stuff below.

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