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Ported from Extended Divergent Archverses

"This verse is effectively the embodiment of chaos."

A Vendekaverse is a cluster of Quettaverses. Spacetime is distorted enough that gravity pulls things "randomly" depending on their position. Combined with the fact that objects move randomly on their own, objects with more matter than the Universe explode most of the time. The few Quettaverses that do survive are usually on the very edge of the Vendekaverse. PeeWoop987986985984173 Calls this structure "Vekaverse" and Recactus calls it "Vundaverse"

! WARNING ! Building large structures inside the Vendekaverse is extremely dangerous! The extreme gravitational forces may rip apart your structure. Additionally, sufficiently large disturbances may destroy the Vendekaverse.

Form of the Vendekaverse[]

To prevent the Vendekaverse from exploding into a giant mess, Gravityverses absorb the extreme gravity forces and redirect them to stay mostly normal. These Extraverses appear in those ‘blobs’ you see in the image. However, these are actually portals into the Nowhereverse, so be careful! There can be any number of ‘blobs’, sizes of them, etc, but generally the larger and outer ones tend to be more stable. The other matter tends to be Universes and the luminosity is mostly larger bodies exploding as they enter the Vendekaverse’s extreme gravitational field, due to the Extraverses spewing them out. The extremely large of the Vendekaverses (300 Sexdecillion & larger) have even been seen to have over 4,752 blobs, most of them being incredibly tiny though.

Civilizations colonizing the Vendekaverse have created technologies to jump not only Quettaverses but also blobs, and civilizations controlling it may even be able to rearrange the entire verse using the Gravityverses.

The Vendekaverse has a density 22% that of a Quettaverse.
