The Vowoez are a type of cosmic entity from the second Realm.
The first sighting of Vowoez can be located deep within the documents and files of the original 0 OYC event when the second Realm was first contacted.
Event logs describe many, potentially an infinite amount, of Vowoez, moving in a single direction in lines, emitting loud and strange ambient noises. Where they were going was unknown, so was their purpose, goal, size, direction or speed.
Every so often, a Vowoez here and there, would generate a black line from it and to the ground, like a laser or beam, however, it made no noise or moment of destruction, but simply focused on a single point for a while and then disappeared, as if nothing had happened.
Above the first layer of Vowoez appeared to be a second, third and even possibly a fourth layer of Vowoez-like objects, going in the same direction and at the same speed, though they looked larger. However, these Vowoez would not generate black beams like their smaller counterparts.
After this event, much better techniques were developed to contact other Realms, which meant not having to be stuck in a single place, but being able to move around to observe. Using much better equipment and technology, scientists were able to find, that the Vowoez weren't going in a straight line, but actually orbiting in an extremely large circumference, The Ealer, which is a creature millions of times larger than the largest of Vowoez.
The smallest Vowoez are located on the final layer of the orbiting, and show signs of communication between the higher layer, upon which they generate a beam of a black substance, that touches down on the ground and creates fractal structures from seemingly thin air.
The Vowoez, despite rotating around The Ealer for seemingly forever, show full knowledge of life, physics, mathematics and everything in the first Realm. When scientists first gained permission to attempt contact with the Vowoez, by flying up to one, it descended from the sky and made contact with the scientists perfectly in their language, acting like if it was a normal occasion. Any test of intelligence, the Vowoez answered correctly instantly, like famous conjectures increasing in difficulty, even current ones. However, the Vowoez did not know the answers to anything advanced in the field of laws of verses, which is a part of science that focuses on how laws interact, gradient, work, get created, get altered, broken, etc. It managed to correctly beginner-level questions, but upon being asked to describe the verse instability variable, it could only go off of what it thought "verse instability variable" meant. That being: it is correlated to verses, their fragility to laws, but it could not produce the formula or any deeper meaning of the variable. The same happened for any higher level questions.
Through this experiment, it was unfortunately concluded, that Vowoez could not be reliable sources for confirming or denying important scientific questions for two reasons. First being a lack of necessary knowledge, and second being the seeming lack of ability to produce proofs of claims, which are only known to be correct due to already long-lasting unhinged proofs conjured up by first-Realm beings. The reason for this disability, is simply due to the fact, that the Vowoez themselves either don't fully understand their own thinking, have proofs too vague and too lenient on confirmation bias, or just simply written in a totally imcomprehensible language to us beings. And this language can not be deciphered either. The definitions of functions, constants and variables used, as well as the completely foreign mathematical laws, simply does not translate to us.
Second assessment, a more positive one, is that every Vowoez is different from the rest personality-wise. In appearance, they are all the same shape, colour and size, but their personalities differ heavily. But even then, every Vowoez holds core beliefs, such as sanctity of life, basic morality and ethics, etc. Their personalities are affected using communication with other Vowoez, with whom they, according to multiple Vowoez, have a shared society with, and can instantly converse with any in the whole group. This society of Vowoez shares many similarities with the major societies of The Box, sharing striking resemblances with deities of our Realm.
The Vowoez, unlike the Yetmmud, show no hostility towards researchers, life or other structures, or even attempted contact with the first Realm. However, they are willing to strike back if anybody attacks them on a noteworthy level, as well as being non-accidental.
According to the Vowoez themselves, if a minor attack is issued, one that does not majorly damage the Vowoez, they will engage in negotiation with the attackers, trying to seduce them and to stop the attack. If the attack continues, they will use their built-in weapons to nullify their opponent's machinery and subdue them. In every case known, this strategy has worked and no deaths have occurred.
If a major attack happens, where a Vowoez is damaged permanently or killed, all Vowoez in the general area will strike back, resulting in equal damage that was done to the Vowoez. In the majority of cases, this strategy does not work, and only angers the beings that started the attack in the first place. The death of a soldier is not as drastic as the death of an innocent Vowoez, and thus, the battle continues. But the Vowoez aren't looking for casualties of their kind, they are trying to defuse the problem, which in most cases means the killing of higher-ranking individuals and a strongly worded threat which is not left empty.
Previous two scenarios take care of most issues had with other beings, but there is a much worse case that can happen, and has happened previously, which is not as simple. A full scale, advanced civilization attack on the Vowoez is acted upon instantly and results in the most deaths. This is type of war, is the only one where the last level of Vowoez are useless, as they are too weak to fight. When a threat at the scale of a full war is made by an advanced civilization, the higher level Vowoez instantly create protection fields around smaller Vowoez to protect them, especially the last layer ones, as mentioned, they can not fight, but their lives are just as valuable. In every war, The Ealer is the target, as it can be used for absolutely unimaginable powers, beyond that of most deities, and so the closer the Vowoez is to The Ealer, the more of a fight they put up.
The lowest layer of Vowoez are only strong enough to delete finitely-sized chunks of matter, which only works for finite entities and is useless towards civilizations of any level of advancement.
The second layer of Vowoez are powerful enough to alter time and space, like reversing, forwarding or pausing. This is much more effective that the first layer, but still weak compared to higher levels of Vowoez and useless towards beyond-Multiverse scale technology.
The third layer can split off timelines, alter timelines, corrupt spacetime, annihilate Xenoverses and some Hyperverses, and put up a decent fight with lower-level dieties.
Fourth layer has the ability to change information of entire chunks of dimensions (resulting in finite corruption), construct singularities anywhere at will, enforce paradoxes, create time loops and more.
As the layer progress, the level of power increases exponentially. The power difference between the first layer and the nth layer, is comparable to the difference between the nth and the (n + 1)th layer. This means the power grows at a level of , where n is the nth layer, and c is the constant of the first level of growth. If The Ealer holds an army of layers, the last one will have a power level of , outmatching omnipotence. The more advanced the civilization, the more layers of Vowoez The Ealer has to assemble and upgrade. But using the layer technique, The Ealers powers are weakly-inaccessible to the Vowoez. Now one might think, as to why The Ealer uses Vowoez as soldiers and doesn't just destroy the enemy instantly itself? The problem, is that the sheer magnitude of strength required to make a very advanced civilization surrender, also damages everything else, because temporary damage can just be fixed by the civilization itself and isn't concerning.
The permanent deletion or corruption of an entire dimension, the total altering of laws in dimensions, using the antipodes of the Grasslands (TSoO, TSoC, TSoN, TSoL, TSoZ) to harness pure omnipotence, disobeying the laws of Reality, battling in more than one Realm at once, defeating yourself in a battle but losing at the same time, creating paradoxes that clone themselves, altering the definition of power itself. These are just a tiny taste of what The Ealer can acomplish, and what a Yetmmud did to our Realm in the Cataclysm of 45, but also what the Vowoez and The Ealer himself used against the said Yetmmud to help us win, as they knew the Yetmmud was in the wrong, and we were attacked for no reason.
Appearance wise, the Vowoez are dull-heart looking shapes floating around with no supports. They are comprised of 3 parts, the white, cyan and yellow. When asked for the properties of these parts, the Vowoez gave the following information: The white is similar to an outer shell, made entirely out of order. This shield is incredibly strong and is a major reason as to why killing a Vowoez is so difficult. The cyan part is the halo of the Vowoez, a sort of structure-holder, a support which is necessary in their existence. It can be compared to a human brain, stem and nervous system in one organ, except not organic in any way, but entirely solid and impenetrable. It is made out of pure chaos. The yellow mess inside of the white shell is the, so called, soul of the Vowoez, which together with the cyan, enables the Vowoez to have such immense powers, intelligence and communication abilities. it is made out of pure noise. In terms of composition, it is similar to the supremums, but are not to be confused with, as the Vowoez and The Ealer itself hold nowhere near the power that the antipodes possess, despite their similar composition.