All dimensions Wiki
All dimensions Wiki

Is this it? Does it end? Or does it keep going? Where are we at this point? Is this a simulation? But we do know something, and that is that... Something that can explain the existence of this second Earth is The infinite loops theory.

We've reached a loop, that can only be escaped using a conjunction of Infions and Hierarchions due to their law-defying properties.

The true end…?[]

There is no way of knowing if this "looped" Earth is the end, since bigger and bigger things keep on being discovered. But it seems like we are now in a loophole. With what started as a Planck length, then the universe, then the box, then the wikiverse, then the Computerverse, this is maybe the true biggest of them all. There is no way to describe to true size of this monstrosity rather than saying it’s bigger than anything else.

It is possible that we’ve reached a loop in the system and now we are back to Earth. This will repeat infinitely. However, this thing is different than actual earth because it is unimaginably more massive. The only thing after this is probably a super inflated galaxy or a super inflated universe. Only time will tell us the answer.


  • If you didn't notice, this is our Earth, the real life one.
  • The image seems distorted, because the "higher looped" structures start to be hard to be interpreted in images.