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The zerities are a Type-1 civilization who rules over a solar system in the next-door galaxy group. They are known to have an oppurtunistic relationship with the more advanced untities. Zerities are very feudal, and have several hundred state-sized tribes that are divided into counties. However, major wars between the tribes are rare. Their local planet is similar to Titan and it is very cold, so they can run very advanced simulations of fully-populated Spiral Arms witnout overheating, thus they will probably reach Type-2 in a few decades from now.


They set up a trade route with the untities to gain help with becoming a K2-3 civilization. The zerities also think Aquarius and Flarius are deities.


As mentioned, they can simulate entire Spiral Arms worth of data on their local planet. They have laser cannons to defend themselves, but are rarely in combat unless it's martial arts, so it should be easy for a K4 to duel them.
